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apiVersion: druid.apache.org/v1alpha1 | |
kind: Druid | |
metadata: | |
name: cluster | |
spec: | |
commonConfigMountPath: /opt/druid/conf/druid/cluster/_common | |
rollingDeploy: true | |
image: "apache/druid:0.19.0" | |
startScript: /druid.sh | |
log4j.config: |- | |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> | |
<Configuration status="WARN"> | |
<Appenders> | |
<Console name="console" target="SYSTEM_OUT"> | |
<PatternLayout pattern="[%-5level] %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %c{1} - %msg%n" /> | |
</Console> | |
</Appenders> | |
<Loggers> | |
<Root level="info"> | |
<AppenderRef ref="console"/> | |
</Root> | |
<Logger name="org.apache.druid.jetty.RequestLog" additivity="false" level="INFO"> | |
<AppenderRef ref="console"/> | |
</Logger> | |
</Loggers> | |
</Configuration> | |
jvm.options: |- | |
-server | |
-XX:+UseG1GC | |
-Xloggc:gc-%t-%p.log | |
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation | |
-XX:GCLogFileSize=100M | |
-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=10 | |
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError | |
-XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/druid/var/ | |
-verbose:gc | |
-XX:+PrintGCDetails | |
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps | |
-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps | |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime | |
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime | |
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy | |
-XX:+PrintReferenceGC | |
-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | |
-Duser.timezone=UTC | |
-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 | |
-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager | |
-Dorg.jboss.logging.provider=slf4j | |
-Dnet.spy.log.LoggerImpl=net.spy.memcached.compat.log.SLF4JLogger | |
-Dlog4j.shutdownCallbackRegistry=org.apache.druid.common.config.Log4jShutdown | |
-Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=true | |
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false | |
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false | |
common.runtime.properties: | | |
############################################### | |
# service names for coordinator and overlord | |
############################################### | |
druid.selectors.indexing.serviceName=druid/overlord | |
druid.selectors.coordinator.serviceName=druid/coordinator | |
################################################## | |
# Request logging, monitoring, and segment | |
################################################## | |
druid.request.logging.type=slf4j | |
druid.request.logging.feed=requests | |
################################################## | |
# Monitoring ( enable when using prometheus ) | |
################################################# | |
################################################ | |
# Extensions | |
################################################ | |
druid.extensions.directory=/opt/druid/extensions | |
druid.extensions.loadList=["druid-s3-extensions","druid-kafka-indexing-service","druid-datasketches","postgresql-metadata-storage"] | |
druid.query.segmentMetadata.defaultAnalysisTypes=["cardinality","size","interval","minmax"] | |
#################################################### | |
# Enable sql | |
#################################################### | |
druid.sql.enable=true | |
deepStorage: | |
spec: | |
properties: |- | |
druid.storage.type=s3 | |
druid.storage.bucket= | |
druid.s3.accessKey= | |
druid.s3.secretKey= # use env to and k8s secret, if possible use vault. | |
druid.storage.baseKey=druid/segments | |
druid.indexer.logs.directory=data/logs/ | |
type: default | |
metadataStore: | |
spec: | |
properties: |- | |
druid.metadata.storage.type=postgresql | |
druid.metadata.storage.connector.connectURI=jdbc:postgresql://postgres.druid.svc.cluster.local:5432/druiddb | |
druid.metadata.storage.connector.password=admin123 | |
druid.metadata.storage.connector.createTables=true | |
type: default | |
zookeeper: | |
spec: | |
properties: |- | |
druid.zk.service.host=druid-zookeeper-client.druid.svc.cluster.local | |
druid.zk.paths.base=/druid | |
type: default | |
nodes: | |
brokers: | |
kind: Deployment | |
maxSurge: 2 | |
maxUnavailable: 0 | |
druid.port: 8080 | |
nodeConfigMountPath: /opt/druid/conf/druid/cluster/query/broker | |
nodeType: broker | |
env: | |
- name: DRUID_XMS | |
value: 12000m | |
- name: DRUID_XMX | |
value: 12000m | |
value: 12g | |
- name: AWS_REGION | |
value: ap-southeast-1 | |
podDisruptionBudgetSpec: | |
maxUnavailable: 1 | |
replicas: 8 | |
resources: | |
limits: | |
cpu: 10 | |
memory: 15Gi | |
requests: | |
cpu: 10 | |
memory: 15Gi | |
readinessProbe: | |
initialDelaySeconds: 60 | |
periodSeconds: 10 | |
failureThreshold: 30 | |
httpGet: | |
path: /druid/broker/v1/readiness | |
port: 8080 | |
runtime.properties: | | |
druid.service=druid/broker | |
druid.log4j2.sourceCategory=druid/broker | |
druid.broker.http.numConnections=500 | |
# Processing threads and buffers | |
druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes=268435456 | |
druid.processing.numMergeBuffers=2 | |
druid.processing.numThreads=11 | |
coordinators: | |
druid.port: 8080 | |
kind: Deployment | |
maxSurge: 2 | |
maxUnavailable: 0 | |
nodeConfigMountPath: /opt/druid/conf/druid/cluster/master/coordinator-overlord | |
nodeType: coordinator | |
podDisruptionBudgetSpec: | |
maxUnavailable: 1 | |
replicas: 1 | |
resources: | |
limits: | |
cpu: 6 | |
memory: 6Gi | |
requests: | |
cpu: 6 | |
memory: 6Gi | |
livenessProbe: | |
initialDelaySeconds: 60 | |
periodSeconds: 5 | |
failureThreshold: 3 | |
httpGet: | |
path: /status/health | |
port: 8080 | |
readinessProbe: | |
initialDelaySeconds: 60 | |
periodSeconds: 5 | |
failureThreshold: 3 | |
httpGet: | |
path: /status/health | |
port: 8080 | |
env: | |
- name: DRUID_XMS | |
value: 2g | |
- name: DRUID_XMX | |
value: 2g | |
- name: AWS_REGION | |
value: ap-southeast-1 | |
runtime.properties: | | |
druid.service=druid/coordinator | |
druid.log4j2.sourceCategory=druid/coordinator | |
druid.indexer.runner.type=httpRemote | |
druid.indexer.queue.startDelay=PT5S | |
druid.coordinator.balancer.strategy=cachingCost | |
druid.serverview.type=http | |
druid.indexer.storage.type=metadata | |
druid.coordinator.startDelay=PT10S | |
druid.coordinator.period=PT5S | |
druid.server.http.numThreads=5000 | |
druid.coordinator.asOverlord.enabled=true | |
druid.coordinator.asOverlord.overlordService=druid/overlord | |
historical: | |
druid.port: 8080 | |
kind: StatefulSet | |
nodeType: historical | |
podDisruptionBudgetSpec: | |
maxUnavailable: 1 | |
nodeConfigMountPath: /opt/druid/conf/druid/cluster/data/historical | |
replicas: 1 | |
livenessProbe: | |
initialDelaySeconds: 1800 | |
periodSeconds: 5 | |
failureThreshold: 3 | |
httpGet: | |
path: /status/health | |
port: 8080 | |
readinessProbe: | |
httpGet: | |
path: /druid/historical/v1/readiness | |
port: 8080 | |
periodSeconds: 10 | |
failureThreshold: 18 | |
startupProbe: | |
httpGet: | |
path: /druid/historical/v1/readiness | |
port: 8080 | |
periodSeconds: 10 | |
failureThreshold: 60 | |
resources: | |
limits: | |
cpu: 3 | |
memory: 5Gi | |
requests: | |
cpu: 1 | |
memory: 2Gi | |
env: | |
- name: DRUID_XMS | |
value: 1500m | |
- name: DRUID_XMX | |
value: 1500m | |
value: 2g | |
- name: AWS_REGION | |
value: ap-southeast-1 | |
runtime.properties: | | |
druid.service=druid/historical | |
druid.log4j2.sourceCategory=druid/historical | |
# HTTP server threads | |
druid.server.http.numThreads=10 | |
# Processing threads and buffers | |
druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes=400000000 | |
druid.processing.numMergeBuffers=2 | |
druid.processing.numThreads=2 | |
druid.processing.tmpDir=var/druid/processing | |
# Segment storage | |
druid.segmentCache.locations=[{"path":"var/druid/segment-cache","maxSize":40000000000}] | |
druid.server.maxSize=40000000000 | |
# Query cache | |
druid.historical.cache.useCache=true | |
druid.historical.cache.populateCache=true | |
druid.cache.type=caffeine | |
druid.cache.sizeInBytes=256000000 | |
volumeClaimTemplates: | |
- | |
metadata: | |
name: historical-volume | |
spec: | |
accessModes: | |
- ReadWriteOnce | |
resources: | |
requests: | |
storage: 50Gi | |
storageClassName: kops-ssd-1-17 | |
volumeMounts: | |
- | |
mountPath: var/druid | |
name: historical-volume | |
middlemanagers: | |
druid.port: 8080 | |
kind: StatefulSet | |
nodeType: middleManager | |
nodeConfigMountPath: /opt/druid/conf/druid/cluster/data/middleManager | |
env: | |
- name: DRUID_XMX | |
value: 4096m | |
- name: DRUID_XMS | |
value: 4096m | |
- name: AWS_REGION | |
value: ap-southeast-1 | |
podDisruptionBudgetSpec: | |
maxUnavailable: 1 | |
replicas: 4 | |
resources: | |
limits: | |
cpu: 8 | |
memory: 8Gi | |
requests: | |
cpu: 8 | |
memory: 8Gi | |
livenessProbe: | |
initialDelaySeconds: 60 | |
periodSeconds: 5 | |
failureThreshold: 3 | |
httpGet: | |
path: /status/health | |
port: 8080 | |
readinessProbe: | |
initialDelaySeconds: 60 | |
periodSeconds: 5 | |
failureThreshold: 3 | |
httpGet: | |
path: /status/health | |
port: 8080 | |
runtime.properties: | | |
druid.service=druid/middleManager | |
druid.worker.capacity=4 | |
druid.indexer.runner.javaOpts=-server -Xms2g -Xmx2g -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=2g -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager | |
druid.indexer.task.baseTaskDir=var/druid/task | |
# HTTP server threads | |
druid.server.http.numThreads=500 | |
# Processing threads and buffers on Peons | |
druid.indexer.fork.property.druid.processing.numMergeBuffers=2 | |
druid.indexer.fork.property.druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes=32000000 | |
druid.indexer.fork.property.druid.processing.numThreads=2 | |
volumeClaimTemplates: | |
- | |
metadata: | |
name: data-volume | |
spec: | |
accessModes: | |
- ReadWriteOnce | |
resources: | |
requests: | |
storage: 15Gi | |
storageClassName: kops-ssd-1-17 | |
volumeMounts: | |
- | |
mountPath: /var/druid | |
name: data-volume | |
routers: | |
kind: Deployment | |
maxSurge: 2 | |
maxUnavailable: 0 | |
livenessProbe: | |
initialDelaySeconds: 60 | |
periodSeconds: 5 | |
failureThreshold: 3 | |
httpGet: | |
path: /status/health | |
port: 8080 | |
readinessProbe: | |
initialDelaySeconds: 60 | |
periodSeconds: 5 | |
failureThreshold: 3 | |
httpGet: | |
path: /status/health | |
druid.port: 8080 | |
env: | |
- name: AWS_REGION | |
value: ap-southeast-1 | |
- name: DRUID_XMX | |
value: 1024m | |
- name: DRUID_XMS | |
value: 1024m | |
resources: | |
limits: | |
cpu: 10 | |
memory: 8Gi | |
requests: | |
cpu: 10 | |
memory: 4Gi | |
nodeType: router | |
podDisruptionBudgetSpec: | |
maxUnavailable: 1 | |
nodeConfigMountPath: /opt/druid/conf/druid/cluster/query/router | |
replicas: 1 | |
runtime.properties: | | |
druid.service=druid/router | |
druid.log4j2.sourceCategory=druid/router | |
# HTTP proxy | |
druid.router.http.numConnections=5000 | |
druid.router.http.readTimeout=PT5M | |
druid.router.http.numMaxThreads=1000 | |
druid.server.http.numThreads=1000 | |
# Service discovery | |
druid.router.defaultBrokerServiceName=druid/broker | |
druid.router.coordinatorServiceName=druid/coordinator | |
druid.router.managementProxy.enabled=true | |
services: | |
- | |
metadata: | |
name: router-%s-service | |
spec: | |
ports: | |
- | |
name: router-port | |
port: 8080 | |
type: LoadBalancer |
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