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Created September 29, 2023 11:51
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from "react";
import { mergeStyles, IStyle } from "@fluentui/merge-styles";
* @private
const gridLayoutStyle = mergeStyles({
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
display: "grid",
gridGap: "0.5rem",
* Basic fluent styles props for all components exported from this libray.
* @public
export interface BaseCustomStyles {
/** Styles for the root container. */
root?: IStyle;
* Props for {@link GridLayout}.
* @public
export interface GridLayoutProps {
children: React.ReactNode;
* Allows users to pass in an object contains custom CSS styles.
* @Example
* ```
* <GridLayout styles={{ root: { background: 'blue' } }} />
* ```
styles?: BaseCustomStyles;
* {@link GridLayout} Component Styles.
* @public
export interface GridLayoutStyles extends BaseCustomStyles {
/** Styles for each child of {@link GridLayout} */
children?: IStyle;
* A component to lay out audio / video participants tiles in a call.
* @public
export const GridLayout = (props: GridLayoutProps): JSX.Element => {
const { children, styles } = props;
const numberOfChildren = React.Children.count(children);
const [currentWidth, setCurrentWidth] = useState(0);
const [currentHeight, setCurrentHeight] = useState(0);
const containerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const observer = useRef(
new ResizeObserver((entries): void => {
const { width, height } = entries[0].contentRect;
useEffect(() => {
if (containerRef.current) {
const currentObserver = observer.current;
return () => currentObserver.disconnect();
}, [observer, containerRef]);
const gridProps = useMemo(() => {
return calculateGridProps(numberOfChildren, currentWidth, currentHeight);
}, [numberOfChildren, currentWidth, currentHeight]);
const cssGridStyles = useMemo(
() => createGridStyles(numberOfChildren, gridProps),
[numberOfChildren, gridProps]
return (
className={mergeStyles(gridLayoutStyle, cssGridStyles, styles?.root)}
* The cell aspect ratio we aim for in a grid
* The minimum cell aspect ratio we allow
const isCloserThan = (a: number, b: number, target: number): boolean => {
return Math.abs(target - a) < Math.abs(target - b);
* Properties to describe a grid. The number of rows, number of columns and whether it fills horizontally or vertically.
* @Example
* ```
* ______________________
* |_______|_______|______|
* |___________|__________| This grid has 2 rows, 3 columns and fills horizontally.
* ______________
* | | | |
* |____|____| |
* | | | |
* |____|____|____| This grid has 2 rows, 3 columns and fills vertically.
* _______________
* | | |
* |_______|_______|
* | | | If all cells are equal, we default the fill direction as horizontal.
* |_______|_______| This grid has 2 rows, 2 columns and fills horizontally.
* ```
type GridProps = {
fillDirection: FillDirection;
rows: number;
columns: number;
type FillDirection = "horizontal" | "vertical";
* Get the best GridProps to place a number of items in a grid as evenly as possible given the width and height of the grid
* @param numberOfItems - number of items to place in grid
* @param width - width of grid
* @param height - height of grid
* @returns GridProps
export const calculateGridProps = (
numberOfItems: number,
width: number,
height: number
): GridProps => {
if (numberOfItems <= 0) {
return { fillDirection: "horizontal", rows: 0, columns: 0 };
// If width or height are 0 then we return rows and column evenly
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
return {
fillDirection: "horizontal",
rows: Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(numberOfItems)),
columns: Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(numberOfItems)),
const aspectRatio = width / height;
// Approximate how many rows to divide the grid to achieve cells close to the TARGET_CELL_ASPECT_RATIO
let rows =
Math.sqrt((TARGET_CELL_ASPECT_RATIO / aspectRatio) * numberOfItems)
) || 1;
// Make sure rows do not exceed numberOfItems
rows = Math.min(rows, numberOfItems);
// Given the rows, get the minimum columns needed to create enough cells for the number of items
let columns = Math.ceil(numberOfItems / rows);
// Default fill direction to horizontal
let fillDirection: "horizontal" | "vertical" = "horizontal";
while (rows < numberOfItems) {
// If cell aspect ratio is less than MINIMUM_CELL_ASPECT_RATIO_ALLOWED then try more rows
if ((rows / columns) * aspectRatio < MINIMUM_CELL_ASPECT_RATIO_ALLOWED) {
rows += 1;
columns = Math.ceil(numberOfItems / rows);
if (numberOfItems < rows * columns) {
// We need to check that stretching columns vertically will result in only one less cell in stretched columns.
// Likewise, we need to check that stretching rows horizonally will result in only one less cell in stretched rows.
// e.g. For 4 rows, 2 columns, but only 6 items, we cannot stretch vertically because that would result in a
// column of 2 cells which is less by more than 1 compared to the unstretched column.
// _________
// |____| |
// |____|____|
// |____| |
// |____|____|
const canStretchVertically =
numberOfItems >= rows + (columns - 1) * (rows - 1);
const canStretchHorizontally =
numberOfItems >= columns + (rows - 1) * (columns - 1);
if (!canStretchVertically && !canStretchHorizontally) {
rows += 1;
columns = Math.ceil(numberOfItems / rows);
} else if (!canStretchVertically) {
} else if (!canStretchHorizontally) {
fillDirection = "vertical";
// We need to figure out whether the big cells should stretch horizontally or vertically
// to fill in the empty spaces
// e.g. For 2 rows, 3 columns, but only 5 items, we need to choose whether to stretch cells
// horizontally or vertically
// ______________________ _______________________
// | | | | | | | |
// |_______|_______|______| |_______|_______| |
// | | | | | | |
// |___________|__________| |_______|_______|_______|
// Calculate the aspect ratio of big cells stretched horizontally
const horizontallyStretchedCellRatio =
(rows / (columns - 1)) * aspectRatio;
// Calculate the aspect ratio of big cells stretched vertically
const verticallyStretchedCellRatio = ((rows - 1) / columns) * aspectRatio;
// We know the horizontally stretched cells aspect ratio is higher than MINIMUM_CELL_ASPECT_RATIO_ALLOWED. If vertically stretched cells
// is also higher than the MINIMUM_CELL_ASPECT_RATIO_ALLOWED, then choose which aspect ratio is better.
if (verticallyStretchedCellRatio >= MINIMUM_CELL_ASPECT_RATIO_ALLOWED) {
// If vertically stetched cell has an aspect ratio closer to TARGET_CELL_ASPECT_RATIO then change the fill direction to vertical
if (
) {
fillDirection = "vertical";
return { fillDirection, rows, columns };
* Creates a styles classname with CSS Grid related styles given GridProps and the number of items to distribute as evenly as possible.
* @param numberOfItems - number of items to place in grid
* @param gridProps - GridProps that define the number of rows, number of columns, and the fill direction
* @returns - classname
const createGridStyles = (
numberOfItems: number,
gridProps: GridProps
): string => {
const isHorizontal = gridProps.fillDirection === "horizontal";
// Blocks are either rows or columns depending on whether we fill horizontally or vertically. Each block may differ in the number of cells.
const blocks = isHorizontal ? gridProps.rows : gridProps.columns;
const smallCellsPerBlock = Math.ceil(numberOfItems / blocks);
const bigCellsPerBlock = Math.floor(numberOfItems / blocks);
const numBigCells =
(gridProps.rows * gridProps.columns - numberOfItems) * bigCellsPerBlock;
// Get grid units
// e.g. If some blocks have 2 big cells while others have 3 small cells, we need to work with 6 units per block
const units = smallCellsPerBlock * bigCellsPerBlock;
const gridStyles = isHorizontal
? {
gridTemplateColumns: `repeat(${units}, minmax(0, 1fr))`,
gridTemplateRows: `repeat(${blocks}, minmax(0, 1fr))`,
gridAutoFlow: "row",
: {
gridTemplateColumns: `repeat(${blocks}, minmax(0, 1fr))`,
gridTemplateRows: `repeat(${units}, minmax(0, 1fr))`,
gridAutoFlow: "column",
const smallCellStyle = isHorizontal
? {
"> *": {
gridColumn: `auto / span ${units / smallCellsPerBlock}`,
: {
"> *": {
gridRow: `auto / span ${units / smallCellsPerBlock}`,
// If there are big cells, we are choosing to place the latest children into the big cells.
// That is why we use the '> *:nth-last-child(-n + ${numBigCells})' CSS selector below
const bigCellStyle = numBigCells
? {
[`> *:nth-last-child(-n + ${numBigCells})`]: isHorizontal
? {
gridColumn: `auto / span ${units / bigCellsPerBlock}`,
: {
gridRow: `auto / span ${units / bigCellsPerBlock}`,
: {};
return mergeStyles(gridStyles, smallCellStyle, bigCellStyle);
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