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Last active November 22, 2024 09:36
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  • Save satmandu/37ce878ba5c3e002b7cb6c3a47aa598a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save satmandu/37ce878ba5c3e002b7cb6c3a47aa598a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extract macos dmg with pkg inside from Linux (ubuntu 22.04)
# Install build prereqs:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libxml2-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev
# You can extract a dmg using 7z thus: 7z x File.dmg
# This installs tools like lsbom to see what is inside bom files
git clone && cd bomutils && make && sudo make install
# Now install xar so you can extract the pkg file
curl -OLf
tar fxv xar-425.2.tar.gz
cd xar-xar-425.2/xar/
curl -OLf
patch -Np0 -i xar-1.8-openssl-1.1.patch
curl -OLf
patch -Np0 -i xar-1.8-Add-OpenSSL-To-Configuration.patch
curl -OLf
patch -Np0 -i xar-1.8-safe_dirname.patch
sed -i 's,filetree.h,../lib/filetree.h,g' src/xar.c
sed -i 's,util.h,../lib/util.h,g' src/xar.c
autoreconf -fvi
sudo make install
# Once you have extracted a File.pkg thus: xar -xvf File.pkg
# You can check the contents with lsbom Bom
# You can extract the Payload thus: cat Payload | gzip -d | cpio -id
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cd xar-425.2/xar/ should be cd xar-xar-425.2/xar/

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Thanks! Changed!

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