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Created January 11, 2012 13:18
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys,getopt
from numpy import array,matrix,diag
from scipy import sum,log,exp,mean,dot,ones,zeros
from scipy.special import polygamma
from scipy.linalg import norm
from random import random
def usage():
print "usage: python [-Nclasses] [-Iemmax] [-Ddemmax] [-Eepsilon] train model"
def main():
# Get params
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "N:I:D:E:h")
train = sys.argv[len(opts) + 1]
model = sys.argv[len(opts) + 2]
# Set params
k = 10
emmax = 100
demmax = 20
epsilon = 0.0001
for o, a in opts:
if o == '-N': k = int(a)
if o == '-I': emmax = int(a)
if o == '-D': demmax = int(a)
if o == '-E': epsilon = float(a)
if o == '-h': usage()
# Train
print train
train = open(train,'r').read()
alpha,beta = ldamain(train, k, emmax, demmax, epsilon)
# Write
print 'writing data..'
# alpha
print 'alpha -> %s.alpha' % model
writer = open(model + '.alpha','w')
# beta
print 'beta -> %s.beta' % model
writer = open(model + '.beta','w')
def ldamain(train, k, emmax=100, demmax=20, epsilon=1.0e-4):
Latent Dirichlet Allocation, standard model.
[alpha,beta] = ldamain(train,k,[emmax,demmax])
train : group of data ASCII text.
Each line represents a document and consists of pairs of <feature_id>:<count>.
1:1 2:4 5:2
1:2 3:3 5:1 6:1 7:1
2:4 5:1 7:1
k : # of classes to assume
emmax : # of maximum VB-EM iteration (default 100)
demmax : # of maximum VB-EM iteration for a document (default 20)
epsilon: A threshold to determine the whole convergence of the estimation (default 0.0001)
d = [ zip(*[ [int(x) for x in w.split(':')] for w in L.split()]) for L in train.split('\n') if L ]
return lda.train(d,k,emmax,demmax)
class lda():
Latent Dirichlet Allocation, standard model.
[alpha,beta] = lda.train(d,k,[emmax,demmax])
d : data of documents
k : # of classes to assume
emmax : # of maximum VB-EM iteration (default 100)
demmax : # of maximum VB-EM iteration for a document (default 20)
def train(d, k, emmax=100, demmax=20, epsilon=1.0e-4):
Latent Dirichlet Allocation, standard model.
[alpha,beta] = lda.train(d,k,[emmax,demmax])
d : data of documents
k : # of classes to assume
emmax : # of maximum VB-EM iteration (default 100)
demmax : # of maximum VB-EM iteration for a document (default 20)
# # of documents
n = len(d)
# # of words
L = max(map(lambda x: max(x[0]), d)) + 1
# initialize
beta = ones((L, k)) / L
alpha = lda.normalize(sorted([random() for i in range(k)], reverse=True))
gammas = zeros((n, k))
lik = 0
plik = lik
print 'number of documents (n) = %d' % n
print 'number of words (l) = %d' % L
print 'number of latent classes (k) = %d' % k
for j in range(emmax):
print 'iteration %d/%d..\t' % (j+1, emmax),
betas = zeros((L, k))
for i in range(n):
gamma,q = lda.vbem(d[i], beta, alpha, demmax)
gammas[i,:] = gamma
betas = lda.accum_beta(betas,q,d[i])
alpha = lda.newton_alpha(gammas)
beta = lda.mnormalize(betas,0)
lik = lda.lda_lik(d, beta, gammas)
print 'log-likelihoood =', lik
if j > 1 and abs((lik - plik) / lik) < epsilon:
if j < 5:
return lda.train(d, k, emmax, demmax) # try again
print 'converged'
return alpha, beta
plik = lik
def vbem(d, beta, alpha0, emmax=20):
[alpha,q] = vbem(d,beta,alpha0,[emmax])
calculates a document and words posterior for a document d.
alpha : Dirichlet posterior for a document d
q : (L * K) matrix of word posterior over latent classes
d : document data
beta :
alpha0 : Dirichlet prior of alpha
emmax : maximum # of VB-EM iteration.
digamma = lambda x: polygamma(0,x)
L = len(d[0])
k = len(alpha0)
q = zeros((L, k))
nt = ones((1, k)) * L / k
pnt = nt
for j in range(emmax):
q = lda.mnormalize(matrix(beta[d[0],:]) * matrix(diag(exp(digamma(alpha0 + nt))[0])), 1)
nt = matrix(d[1]) * q
if j > 1 and lda.converged(nt, pnt, 1.0e-2):
pnt = nt.copy()
alpha = alpha0 + nt
return alpha, q
def accum_beta(betas, q, t):
betas = accum_beta(betas,q,t)
accumulates word posteriors to latent classes.
betas : (V * K) matrix of summand
q : (L * K) matrix of word posteriors
t : document of struct array
betas[t[0],:] += matrix(diag(t[1])) * q
return betas
def lda_lik(d, beta, gammas):
lik = lda_lik(d, beta, gammas)
returns the likelihood of d, given LDA model of (beta, gammas).
egamma = matrix(lda.mnormalize(gammas, 1))
lik = 0
n = len(d)
for i in range(n):
t = d[i]
lik += (matrix(t[1]) * log(matrix(beta[t[0],:]) * egamma[i,:].T))[0,0]
return lik
def newton_alpha(gammas,maxiter=20,ini_alpha=[]):
alpha = newton_alpha (gammas,[maxiter])
Newton-Raphson iteration of LDA Dirichlet prior.
gammas : matrix of Dirichlet posteriors (M * k)
maxiter : # of maximum iteration of Newton-Raphson
digamma = lambda x: polygamma(0, x)
trigamma = lambda x: polygamma(1, x)
M,K = gammas.shape
if not M > 1:
return gammas[1,:]
if not len(ini_alpha) > 0:
ini_alpha = mean(gammas, 0) / K
L = 0
g = zeros((1,K))
pg = sum(digamma(gammas), 0) - sum(digamma(sum(gammas, 1)))
alpha = ini_alpha.copy()
palpha = zeros((1, K))
for t in range(maxiter):
L += 1
alpha0 = sum(alpha)
g = M * (digamma(alpha0) - digamma(alpha)) + pg
h = -1.0 / trigamma(alpha)
hgz = dot(h,g) / (1.0 / trigamma(alpha0) + sum(h))
for i in range(K):
alpha[i] = alpha[i] - h[i] * (g[i] - hgz) / M
if alpha[i] < 0:
return lda.newton_alpha(gammas, maxiter, ini_alpha / 10.0)
if L > 1 and lda.converged(alpha, palpha, 1.0e-4):
palpha = alpha.copy()
return alpha
def normalize(v):
return v / sum(v)
def mnormalize(m, d=0):
x = mnormalize(m, d)
normalizes a 2-D matrix m along the dimension d.
m : matrix
d : dimension to normalize (default 0)
m = array(m)
v = sum(m, d)
if d == 0:
return m * matrix(diag(1.0 / v))
return matrix(diag(1.0 / v)) * m
def converged(u, udash, threshold=1.0e-3):
Returns 1 if u and udash are not different by the ratio threshold
return norm(u - udash) / norm(u) < threshold
if __name__ == '__main__':
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