ANTS : c3d :
export PATH=/software/ANTS-dev:$PATH c3d_affine_tool -ref [A] -src [B] bbreg.mat -fsl2ras -oitk fsl2antsAffine.txt WarpImageMultiTransform 3 [B] [C] -R [D] [A_Warp].nii.gz [A_Affine].txt fsl2antsAffine.txt
- A = your structural brain/orig.mgz, but converted to nii. you should already have this in your ANTS output
- B = con/t/z image that you want to warp
- bbreg.mat = when your bbregister node has out_fsl_file = True
- C = warped con/t/z image
- D = ANTS template or other template to which you computed the ANTS warp (unless you have another affine transform see note below)
- A_Warp = should equal the Warp fields from running ANTS, they should be called sth_Warp[xyz]vec.nii.gz. you simply need to provide sth_Warp.nii.gz
- A_Affine = there should also be an affine transform in the place where ANTS was run.
if you also have an affine transform using flirt for your own template to MNI space and you did not use the MNI spaced template as your target
c3d_affine_tool -ref [E] -src [D] flirt.mat -fsl2ras -oitk fsl2antsTemplateAffine.txt WarpImageMultiTransform 3 [B] [C] -R [E] fsl2antsTemplateAffine.txt [A_Warp].nii.gz [A_Affine].txt fsl2antsAffine.txt
- E = template in MNI space after flirting
Hi Satra,
First of all, thank you for this file, it helped me in finding ways to bridge FSL and ANTS. But I have a question about WarpImageMultiTransform which I could not find the answer by reading the output of
WarpImageMultiTransform --help
. If you can help me with it that will be great!Below, I put a summary of my understanding of your code and then my question. Could please take a look?
Register B to E.
C is the output of the registration.
I figured the order of the transformation matrix and warp files are important for WarpImageMultiTransform. Do you know where I can find the documentation on how to organize the transform matrix and warp files?