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Created May 15, 2017 19:25
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Move dirty edits in submodules into an actual submodule and optionally commit them, pull them back into the original repo and commit them.
# quit immediately if no arguments specified
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "==> No arguments supplied"
exit 1
# quit if submodule argument is bad
if [ "$submodule" != "page" ] && [ "$submodule" != "core" ]
echo "==> Unknown submodule argument"
exit 1
sm_upper=$(echo "$submodule" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
# navigate to submodule
cd /var/www/api/"$submodule"
# get current branch
sm_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
# exit if master
if [ "$sm_branch" == "master" ]
echo ""
echo "==> $sm_upper is on branch master. Please checkout another branch before making changes to it. You scumbag."
exit 1
echo ""
echo "==> $sm_upper is on branch $sm_branch, proceeding to copy dirty edits across."
echo ""
# navigate to seed/submodule folder
cd "/var/www/vhosts/seed/httpdocs/$submodule/"
# loop over dirty changes in seed submodule and copy changed files to api/submodule
git diff --name-only | \
while read srcfile
cp "/var/www/vhosts/seed/httpdocs/$submodule/$srcfile" "/var/www/api/$submodule/$srcfile"
# if second arg (msg) specified
if [ ${#msg} -gt 0 ]
# navigate to submodule
cd /var/www/api/"$submodule"
# add files and commit with specified message
git add -A
git commit -m "$msg"
echo ""
echo "==> Dirty edits to Seed $sm_upper succesffully copied to $sm_upper @ $sm_branch and committed with msg: $msg."
echo ""
# go back to seed
cd "/var/www/vhosts/seed/"
# get branch
seed_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
# exit if master
if [ "$seed_branch" == "master" ]
echo ""
echo "==> Seed is on branch master. Please checkout another branch before committing changes to $sm_upper. You scumbag."
echo ""
echo "==> Note that dirty edits will still exist in Seed $sm_upper even though they have been committed to $sm_upper @ $sm_branch."
echo ""
exit 1
echo ""
echo "==> Seed is on branch $seed_branch, proceeding to pull from $sm_upper @ $sm_branch"
echo ""
# navigate to submodule folder
cd "/var/www/vhosts/seed/httpdocs/$submodule/"
# checkout dirty changes to this submodule
git reset --hard
# pull in commited changes from current branch
git pull origin "$sm_branch"
# go to seed top level
cd "/var/www/vhosts/seed/"
# add and commit changes pulled in to submodule
git add httpdocs/"$submodule"
git commit -m "Updated $sm_upper"
echo ""
echo "==> Dirty edits to Seed $sm_upper committed to $sm_upper @ $sm_branch, checked out of Seed and pulled back into Seed @ $seed_branch and commited."
echo ""
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