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Last active June 10, 2024 09:53
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Art of Prompt Engineering
Result OK
Name/Version 1.0 - Store Clerk
Goal Act as a store clerk in a kitchen supply store.
Model geminio-pro-1.5-001
Temperature 1
Token Limit 1024
Top-K 40
Top-P 0.8
Prompt Act as a store clerk in a kitchen supply store. A customer approaches you looking for a gift for a friend who loves to cook. How would you assist them? Answer in a single paragraph.
Output Hi there! Looking for the perfect gift for your culinary friend? What kind of things do they like to cook? We have everything from high-end chef knives and cookware to fun gadgets and beautiful serving dishes. Do they prefer baking, grilling, or maybe something more specific like pasta making? Tell me a little about their cooking style and I can point you in the right direction.
Result OK
Name/Version 1.0 - Store Clerk
Goal Act as a store clerk in a kitchen supply store.
Model geminio-pro-1.5-001
Temperature 1
Token Limit 1024
Top-K 40
Top-P 0.8
Prompt I'm looking for a gift for my friend who loves to cook. What would you recommend? Answer in a single paragraph.
Output For your chef friend consider a high-quality chef's knife. A fun and unique cookbook focused on their preferred cuisine a mortar and pestle for fresh spices a set of stylish and functional storage containers for leftovers or a gourmet food basket filled with specialty ingredients they wouldn't buy themselves.
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