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Andrew Dupont savetheclocktower

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igrr /
Created June 11, 2015 15:31
ESP8266 Arduino OTA test script
# this script will push an OTA update to the ESP
# use it like: python <ESP_IP_address> <sketch.bin>
# on the ESP side you need code like this: to handle the update
import socket
igrr / OTATest.ino
Created June 11, 2015 15:24
ESP8266 Arduino OTA example v1
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiUDP.h>
const char* ssid = "..........";
const char* password = "...........";
WiFiUDP listener;
void setup() {
lrytz / z-automator.png
Last active October 15, 2024 06:31
Shortcut for Syntax Highlighting in Keynote
BrendanEich / minimalist-classes.js
Created November 1, 2011 22:48 — forked from jashkenas/minimalist-classes.js
less minimalism, richer leather
// A response to jashkenas's fine proposal for minimalist JavaScript classes.
// Harmony always stipulated classes as sugar, so indeed we are keeping current
// JavaScript prototype semantics, and classes would only add a syntactic form
// that can desugar to ES5. This is mostly the same assumption that Jeremy
// chose, but I've stipulated ES5 and used a few accepted extensions.
// Where I part company is on reusing the object literal. It is not the syntax
// most classy programmers expect, coming from other languages. It has annoying
// and alien overhead, namely colons and commas. For JS community members who
rwaldron / ideas.js
Created May 8, 2011 16:51
Thinking outloud, exploring ideas that might compete with # or -> as function shorthands. Recreating examples form
( ( <argument-list> ) <expression> | <block> )
var identity = (( x ) {
x; // with tail calls
var f = (( a, b, c ) {
// a, b, c
mislav / builder.png
Created February 7, 2011 13:05
Reloads a specific Safari extension in development
class Fixnum
def seconds
def minutes
self * 60
def hours