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Created April 17, 2015 01:41
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Save sawanoboly/fe4e17f6991bb034ade2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GolangでHTTPのヘルスチェックをベースにDNSのレコードを更新してみる ref:
layout go
export DNSIMPLE_TOKEN='*********************'
export DNSIMPLE_USER='*********************'
export DNS_TARGET_RR='wwwww'
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY='*********************'
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='*********************'
gox -osarch="linux/amd64 darwin/amd64" --output="build/{{.OS}}/{{.Arch}}/healthbased-dnsrr"
package main
import (
dnsimple ""
type DnsimpleManage struct {
client *dnsimple.DNSimpleClient
TargetHosts []string
BackupHosts []string
TargetRR string
targetDomainName string
targetDomainId int
countAlivedTarget int
apiToken string
email string
func (dm *DnsimpleManage) RecordExists(records []dnsimple.Record, host string) int {
for _, val := range records {
if val.Name != dm.TargetRR {
if val.Content == host {
fmt.Printf("Record: %s -> %s\n", val.Name, val.Content)
return val.Id
return 0
func (dm *DnsimpleManage) getDomainId() int {
domains, _ := dm.client.Domains()
for _, domain := range domains {
if domain.Name == dm.targetDomainName {
fmt.Printf("Domain: %s %d\n", domain.Name, domain.Id)
return domain.Id
return 0
func (dm *DnsimpleManage) healthBased_rr() int {
dm.countAlivedTarget = len(dm.TargetHosts)
dm.client = dnsimple.NewClient(dm.apiToken,
// Get a list of your domains
dm.targetDomainId = dm.getDomainId()
if dm.targetDomainId == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Exit: Target Domain Not found.\n")
// Get a list of records for a domain
records, _ := dm.client.Records(dm.targetDomainName, "", "")
for _, val := range dm.TargetHosts {
r_id := dm.RecordExists(records, val)
status, err := tryHttp(val)
if err != nil {
if r_id != 0 {
fmt.Printf("Dead But Exists!: I'll delete [ %d ]. \n", r_id)
delRec := dnsimple.Record{Id: r_id, DomainId: dm.targetDomainId}
err := delRec.Delete(dm.client)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Delete returned error: %v\n", err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Result: Dead\n")
fmt.Printf("Result: %d\n", status)
// Create a new Record
// go func() {
if r_id == 0 {
newRec := dnsimple.Record{Name: dm.TargetRR, Content: val, RecordType: "A", TTL: 600}
rec, _ := dm.client.CreateRecord(dm.targetDomainName, newRec)
fmt.Printf("RecordID: %d\n", rec.Id)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Record Already Exists\n")
// }()
return dm.countAlivedTarget
func (dm *DnsimpleManage) enableBackup() int {
return 0
$ ./build/darwin/amd64/healthbased-dnsrr dnsimple
Domain: 119xxx
Record: wwwww ->
Dead But Exists!: I'll delete [ 39xxxxx ].
Record: wwwww ->
Result: 200
Record Already Exists
$ ./build/darwin/amd64/healthbased-dnsrr route53
Found: /hostedzone/Z1KM1PIxxxxxxx:
Current RR record: [""]
Check HTTP: 200
Check HTTP: 200
Avaliable targets: ["" ""]
Found difference, I'll fix it.
Change Status: PENDING
$ tree build
├── darwin
│   └── amd64
│   └── healthbased-dnsrr
└── linux
└── amd64
└── healthbased-dnsrr
4 directories, 2 files
package main
import (
var httpClient = &http.Client{Timeout: time.Duration(10) * time.Second}
func tryHttp(host string) (int, error) {
resp, err := httpClient.Get("http://" + host + "/")
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
return resp.StatusCode, err
package main
import (
envmap ""
var envs = envmap.All()
var targetHosts = strings.Split(envs["DNS_TARGET_HOSTS"], ",")
var backupHosts = strings.Split(envs["DNS_BACKUP_HOSTS"], ",")
type DnsManage interface {
healthBased_rr() int
// enableBackup() error
func main() {
func realMain() int {
var manager DnsManage
if len(os.Args) < 2 {
fmt.Printf("Usage: healthbased-dnsrr [dnsimple|route53]\n")
return 1
switch os.Args[1] {
fmt.Printf("Usage: healthbased-dnsrr [dnsimple|route53]\n")
return 1
case "dnsimple":
manager = &DnsimpleManage{
TargetHosts: targetHosts,
BackupHosts: backupHosts,
TargetRR: envs["DNS_TARGET_RR"],
targetDomainName: envs["DNS_TARGET_DOMAIN"],
apiToken: envs["DNSIMPLE_TOKEN"],
email: envs["DNSIMPLE_USER"],
case "route53":
manager = &Route53Manage{
TargetHosts: targetHosts,
BackupHosts: backupHosts,
TargetRR: envs["DNS_TARGET_RR"],
targetDomainName: envs["DNS_TARGET_DOMAIN"],
life := manager.healthBased_rr()
if life == 0 {
fmt.Printf("All Dead\n")
// manager.enableBackup()
return 0
package main
import (
type Route53Manage struct {
client *route53.Route53
TargetHosts []string
currentRRHosts []string
updateRRHosts []string
BackupHosts []string
TargetRR string
targetDomainName string
targetDomainId string
countAlivedTarget int
func (dm *Route53Manage) extractDomainId(res_id string) string {
id := strings.Split(res_id, "/")
return id[2]
func (dm *Route53Manage) RecordExists(records []route53.ResourceRecordSet) route53.ResourceRecordSet {
fmt.Printf("Finding: " + dm.TargetRR + "." + dm.targetDomainName + ".\n")
for _, val := range records {
if val.Name == dm.TargetRR+"."+dm.targetDomainName+"." {
return val
} else if val.Name == dm.TargetRR+"."+dm.targetDomainName {
return val
return route53.ResourceRecordSet{}
func (dm *Route53Manage) getDomainId() string {
res, _ := dm.client.ListHostedZonesByName(dm.targetDomainName, "", 1)
for _, zone := range res.HostedZones {
if zone.Name == dm.targetDomainName+"." {
fmt.Printf("Found: %s: %s\n", zone.ID, zone.Name)
return dm.extractDomainId(zone.ID)
} else if zone.Name == dm.targetDomainName {
fmt.Printf("Found: %s: %s\n", zone.ID, zone.Name)
return dm.extractDomainId(zone.ID)
return "0"
func (dm *Route53Manage) healthBased_rr() int {
dm.countAlivedTarget = len(dm.TargetHosts)
auth, _ := aws.EnvAuth() // AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
dm.client = route53.New(auth, aws.USEast)
// Get a list of your domains
dm.targetDomainId = dm.getDomainId()
res, err := dm.client.ListResourceRecordSets(dm.targetDomainId, nil)
if err != nil {
rrr := dm.RecordExists(res.Records)
if rrr.Name != "" {
dm.currentRRHosts = rrr.Records
fmt.Printf("Current RR record: %q\n", dm.currentRRHosts)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Current RR record: Nothing\n")
for _, host := range dm.TargetHosts {
status, _ := tryHttp(host)
if err != nil {
status = 0
fmt.Printf("Check HTTP: %s %d\n", host, status)
if status != 200 {
dm.updateRRHosts = append(dm.updateRRHosts, host)
fmt.Printf("Avaliable targets: %q\n", dm.updateRRHosts)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(dm.updateRRHosts, dm.currentRRHosts) {
var req route53.ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest
var req_rr route53.ResourceRecordSet
var change route53.Change
if dm.countAlivedTarget != 0 {
fmt.Printf("Found difference, I'll fix it.\n")
req_rr.Name = dm.TargetRR + "." + dm.targetDomainName + "."
req_rr.Type = "A"
req_rr.TTL = 600
req_rr.Records = dm.updateRRHosts
change.Action = "UPSERT"
change.Record = req_rr
req.Comment = change.Action + " to " + dm.TargetRR + "." + dm.targetDomainName + "."
req.Changes = append(req.Changes, change)
res, err2 := dm.client.ChangeResourceRecordSets(dm.targetDomainId, &req)
if err2 != nil {
fmt.Printf("Change Status: %s\n", res.ChangeInfo.Status)
} else {
// Delete if BackupHosts Empty
if dm.targetDomainId != "0" {
fmt.Printf("All Hosts dead. I'll delete rrset.\n")
req_rr.Name = dm.TargetRR + "." + dm.targetDomainName + "."
req_rr.Type = "A"
req_rr.TTL = 600
req_rr.Records = dm.currentRRHosts
change.Action = "DELETE"
change.Record = req_rr
req.Comment = change.Action + " to " + dm.TargetRR + "." + dm.targetDomainName + "."
req.Changes = append(req.Changes, change)
res, err2 := dm.client.ChangeResourceRecordSets(dm.targetDomainId, &req)
if err2 != nil {
fmt.Printf("Change Status: %s\n", res.ChangeInfo.Status)
return dm.countAlivedTarget
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