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Stephen Bussey sb8244

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import { Plugin, PluginKey, Transaction } from "prosemirror-state"
import { BlockInfo, getBlockInfoFromPos } from "../helpers/getBlockInfoFromPos"
// ProseMirror Plugin which automatically assigns indices to ordered list items per nesting level.
const PLUGIN_KEY = new PluginKey(`numbered-list-indexing`)
interface Options {
getListCharacter?: (positionDetails: { depth: number; index: number }) => string
defmodule SuperWeb.Plug.AssetNotFound do
import Plug.Conn
alias Plug.Conn
def init(opts) do
at: Keyword.fetch!(opts, :at) |> Plug.Router.Utils.split(),
only: {Keyword.fetch!(opts, :only), []}
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"
import { createReactBlockSpec } from "@blocknote/react"
import { SuperedBlockNoteEditor } from "../../BlockNoteEditor"
import useReload from "../../../useReload"
export const TABLE_OF_CONTENTS_TYPE = "table-of-contents"
interface Heading {
id: string
level: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
public class ImmutableCounter {
private final int counter;
public ImmutableCounter(int num) {
this.counter = num;
public int getCount() {
return this.counter;
sb8244 /
Created September 12, 2023 05:17
Immutability Lecture (Activity 1)
import java.util.HashMap;
// This class is broken, follow the TODOs
public class ImmutableDemo {
// TODO: How to prevent external actors from accessing the map directly?
public HashMap<String,String> map;
public ImmutableDemo() { = new HashMap<String, String>();"Important", "OKAY");
defmodule Super.RepoTest do
use Super.DataCase, async: true
require Logger
@skipped_schemas [UserService.User]
defp tenant_schemas do
{:ok, mods} = :application.get_key(:super, :modules), fn mod ->
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
var params = new URLSearchParams(;
var utmParams = {};
params.forEach(function (val, name) {
if (name.startsWith('utm_')) {
utmParams[name] = val;
export const SpaceLayoutEditor = {
// Not important for the integration, just something for my specific use case
recentItems: [],
mounted() {
// IMPORTANT LINE: LiveView -> React data flow
this.handleEvent("react.update_items", ({ items }: { items: string }) => {
const newItems: SpaceItem[] = JSON.parse(items)
sb8244 / 1_hooks.ts
Last active April 13, 2022 17:52
Example hooks + React mounter for LiveView application
export const SpaceLayoutEditor = {
mounted() {
// I use webpack chunks to reduce LiveView entry file size
import(/* webpackChunkName: "space-layout-editor-lv" */ '../entry/space-layout-editor-lv').then((mounter) => {
this.unmountComponent = mounter.default(, {
editorOpts: this.editorOpts()
* This example is just copy/pasted from my code base. The gist of it is that `this.pushEventTo` on the hook
* will send an event over the LiveView channel that is processed by the component/LiveView that's mounted at
* that element.
* I recommend using pushEventTo instead of pushEvent because I've run into situations where the event gets sent
* to the incorrect component or LiveView.
const GeneratePDFButton = {
mounted() {