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Created September 19, 2017 01:51
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Octave/Matlab to calculate and plot the "Bates Conjecture"
## Copyright (C) 2017 Stephen Bates
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program. If not, see <>.
## Author: Stephen Bates <[email protected]>
## Created: 2017-08-20
## sdc_ecc.m
## ---------
## This simple script generates the "Bates Conjecture" curve that shows what
## the media Raw Bit Error Rate (RBER) needs to be to reach a target
## Uncorrectable Bit Error Rate (UBER) as specified by the user.
## Basically the code works by assuming a constant code rate (eCodeRate) across
## a range of ECC codeword sizes and determines (via a simple binary search) the
## media RBER needed to target the provided UBER. We assume ECC is done via
## a Hamming code type structure and the symbol size and correction capabilities
## are computed accordingly.
close all; clear all; clc
eCodeRate = 0.9; # Code rate, should be between 0 and 1.
eStartBer = 1e-3; # The start RBER for the binary search
eUber = 1e-18; # The target UBER.
pnN = 64:32:8*4096;
# The ECC codeword sizes to compute over
# Calculate the K, M and T for the ECC codewords based on Hamming code
# type assumptions.
pnK = floor(eCodeRate*pnN);
pnM = floor(log2(pnN));
pnT = floor((pnN.-pnK)./pnM);
# Now we enter a search loop for each ECC codeword size using the
# incremental Beta function to determine what RBER results in the target
# UBER for that size. Stop when we get within 1% of eUber.
peProbFecError = [];
peInputBer = [];
for i=1:length(pnT)
eOutputBer = 0.5;
eInputBer = 24/1080/8;
bGoingDown = true;
eScale = 0.5;
eTol = 0.01;
bUseFer = true;
while abs((eOutputBer-eUber)/eUber)>eTol
eOutputFer = betainc(eInputBer, pnT(i)+1, pnN(i)-pnT(i)-1);
if bUseFer
eOutputBer = eOutputFer;
if eOutputBer>eUber
if ~bGoingDown
eScale = (1+eScale)/2;
eScale = 1/eScale;
bGoingDown = true;
eInputBer = eInputBer*eScale;
if bGoingDown
eScale = (1+eScale)/2;
eScale = 1/eScale;
bGoingDown = false;
eInputBer = eInputBer*eScale;
peInputBer = [ peInputBer eInputBer ];
# Plot the results with Bytes as the X-Axis. Also save to a PNG (this line
# works in Octave by might break Matlab).
figErr = figure();
hold on ; grid on ; zoom on
loglog(pnN./8, peInputBer);
ylabel('Required Media RBER')
xlabel('Media Codeword Size (Bytes)')
title('Media RBER vs Codeword Size for 1e-18 UBER')
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