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Created December 18, 2015 16:03
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(ns advent.a14
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(def rules "Rudolph can fly 22 km/s for 8 seconds, but then must rest for 165 seconds.
Cupid can fly 8 km/s for 17 seconds, but then must rest for 114 seconds.
Prancer can fly 18 km/s for 6 seconds, but then must rest for 103 seconds.
Donner can fly 25 km/s for 6 seconds, but then must rest for 145 seconds.
Dasher can fly 11 km/s for 12 seconds, but then must rest for 125 seconds.
Comet can fly 21 km/s for 6 seconds, but then must rest for 121 seconds.
Blitzen can fly 18 km/s for 3 seconds, but then must rest for 50 seconds.
Vixen can fly 20 km/s for 4 seconds, but then must rest for 75 seconds.
Dancer can fly 7 km/s for 20 seconds, but then must rest for 119 seconds.")
(defn parse-int [s]
(Integer/parseInt s))
(defn parse [rule]
(let [[_ vel time rest] (re-find #".*?(\d+) km/s for (\d+) seconds.*?(\d+) seconds." rule)]
(map parse-int [vel time rest])))
(defn vel-at-second [[vel time rest]]
(cycle (concat (repeat time vel) (repeat rest 0))))
(defn distance-at [time vs]
(reduce + (take time (vel-at-second vs))))o
(defn rolling-sum [is]
(reduce (fn [r i] (conj r (+ (or (last r) 0) i))) [] is))
(defn transpose [vss]
(for [i (range (count (first vss)))]
(for [vs vss]
(nth vs i))))
(defn score-race [vss]
(for [vs (transpose vss)]
(let [fstst (apply max vs)]
(for [v vs]
(if (== v fstst) 1 0))))))
(let [time 2503]
(->> (str/split-lines rules)
(map parse)
(map vel-at-second)
(map (partial take time))
(map rolling-sum)
(map #(reduce + %))
(apply max)))
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