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Created May 15, 2020 08:17
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data <- list(
est1 = c(`0.025` = 0.84, `0.5` = 0.9, `0.975` = 0.96),
est2 = c(`0.025` = 0.32, `0.5` = 0.53, `0.975` = 0.66)
fn_gamma <- function(par, x) {
quantiles <- as.numeric(names(x))
return(sum((qgamma(quantiles, shape = par[1], rate = par[2]) - x)**2))
fit_gamma <- function(quantiles, init) {
res <- nloptr::sbplx(x0 = init, fn = fn_gamma, x = quantiles,
lower = c(shape = 0, rate = 0),
control = list(xtol_rel = 1.0e-6, ftol_rel = 1.0e-6))
sol <- res$par
names(sol) <- names(init)
fits <- lapply(data, fit_gamma, init = c(shape = 1, rate = 1))
md <- mistr::mixdist(rep("gamma", length(fits)),
function(i) c(shape = fits[[i]][["shape"]],
rate = fits[[i]][["rate"]])),
weights = rep(1/length(fits), length(fits)))
round(mistr::q(md, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)), 2)
## [1] 0.37 0.81 0.95
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