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Created February 4, 2020 22:00
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China contacts
## get China survey
s <- get_survey("")
## contact matrix
contact_matrix(s, age.limits = seq(0, 15, 5))
## $matrix
## [0,5) [5,10) [10,15) 15+
## [0,5) 0.27692308 0.04615385 0.06153846 4.430769
## [5,10) 0.17391304 1.32608696 0.21739130 4.043478
## [10,15) 0.00000000 0.03125000 2.62500000 3.734375
## 15+ 0.08659218 0.11592179 0.11731844 6.638268
## == Let's check the counts
contact_matrix(s, age.limits = seq(0, 15, 5), counts = TRUE)
## $matrix
## [0,5) [5,10) [10,15) 15+
## [0,5) 18 3 4 288
## [5,10) 8 61 10 186
## [10,15) 0 2 168 239
## 15+ 62 83 84 4753
## $participants
## participants proportion
## 1: [0,5) 65 0.07295174
## 2: [5,10) 46 0.05162738
## 3: [10,15) 64 0.07182941
## 4: 15+ 716 0.80359147
## == In the 10-14 age group: 168/64=2.625
## == Let's check in the raw data
s$participants %>%
mutate(age_group =
limits_to_agegroups(reduce_agegroups(part_age, seq(0, 15, 5)))) %>%
group_by(age_group) %>%
## # A tibble: 4 x 2
## age_group `n()`
## <fct> <int>
## 1 0-4 66
## 2 5-9 51
## 3 10-14 69
## 4 15+ 779
ten_to_fourteen_id <- s$participants %>%
filter(part_age >= 10 & part_age < 15) %>%
s$contacts %>%
filter(part_id %in% ten_to_fourteen_id) %>%
mutate(age_group =
reduce_agegroups(cnt_age_exact, seq(0, 15, 5)))) %>%
group_by(age_group) %>%
## # A tibble: 4 x 2
## age_group `n()`
## <fct> <int>
## 1 5-9 6
## 2 10-14 184
## 3 15+ 261
## 4 NA 29
## == Numbers are slightly smaller, probably because participants with contacts
## with missing age are being removed
contact_matrix(s, age.limits = seq(0, 15, 5), counts = TRUE, = "keep")
## == This matches the numbers returned by contact_matrix
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