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Created November 26, 2021 17:02
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get R estimates for all times
##' Get estimates shown at \url{} for all times
##' Nowcasts at \url{https://epiforecasts.covid} and the related github repository at
##' \url{} only cover the last 3
##' months. This function downloads all available estimates and applies a median
##' average to the provided quantiles to provide an estimate of a time series
##' covering all times available
##' @param dataset character; data set corresponding to directories at
##' \url{}. Default is
##' \code{"national/cases"}, other examples of possible values are:
##' \code{"subnational/brazil/cases"} or
##' \code{"subnational/united-kingdom/admission"}
##' @param variable character; quantity to consider; by default: "rt", but
##' could also be, e.g.. "growth_rate", or "cases_by_infection"; corresponds to
##' the name of \code{.csv} files in the summary directories at
##' \url{}
##' @param earliest_date character; the earliest date to consider; by default:
##' "30 August 2020" (the day after estimates started being produced using
##' EpiNow2). It is not recommended to set this to an earlier date as it would
##' lead to a mixture of methods.
##' @return a list of data frames containing estimates for all times
##' @importFrom gh gh
##' @importFrom readr read_csv
##' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows group_by summarise
##' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer pivot_wider
##' @author Sebastian Funk
get_covid19_nowcasts_all_times <-
function(dataset = "national/cases", variable = "rt",
earliest_date = "2020-08-30") {
owner <- "epiforecasts"
repo <- "covid-rt-estimates"
path <- paste(dataset, "summary", paste0(variable, ".csv"), sep = "/")
query <- "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/commits?path={path}"
if (!is.null(earliest_date)) {
query <- paste0(query, "&since={date}")
commits <-
owner = owner,
repo = repo,
path = path,
date = earliest_date,
.limit = Inf)
shas <- vapply(commits, "[[", "", "sha")
estimates <-
paste("", owner, repo,
sha, path, sep = "/"))
median_estimates <- estimates %>%
bind_rows() %>%
filter(type == "estimate") %>%
select(-strat, -type, -mean, -sd) %>%
pivot_longer(c(median, starts_with("lower_"), starts_with("upper_"))) %>%
group_by_at(vars(1, "date", "name")) %>%
summarise(value = median(value), .groups = "drop") %>%
rt_brazil <- get_covid19_nowcasts_all_times("subnational/brazil/cases")
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