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Created June 7, 2016 01:38
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Convenience functions for loading spatial data.
# TODO: (1) What if I want to keep the remote zipfile after downloading? [x]
# (2) Other common formats: - GeoJSON [x]
# - KML [ ]
# Functions to check filenames
is_remote <- function(x) grepl("(ht|f)tp(s)?://", x)
is_zip <- function(x) grepl("\\.zip$", basename(x))
is_shp <- function(x) grepl("\\.shp$", basename(x))
is_json <- function(x) grepl("\\.(geo)?json$", basename(x))
# Choose shapefile layer by number
layer_n <- function(dsn, n) rgdal::ogrListLayers(dsn)[n]
# Convenience function for using rgdal::readOGR with ESRI Shapefiles
read_shp <- function(dsn, layer, ...) {
rgdal::readOGR(dsn = dsn, layer = layer, ...)
# Convenience function for using rgdal::readOGR with GeoJSON
read_geojson <- function(dsn, layer, ...) {
rgdal::readOGR(dsn = dsn, layer = layer, encoding = "GeoJSON", ...)
# Unpack zipfiles, downloading if needed, to temp dir. Returns a vector of file
# paths by default.
unpack_zip <- function(zipfile,
dir = ".",
keep_zip = FALSE,
list_files = TRUE,
unlink = TRUE) {
# Initialize temp dir and file
tmp.dir <- tempdir() <- tempfile(tmpdir = tmp.dir,
fileext = ".zip")
# Download zipfile if necessary
if (is_remote(zipfile) & !file.exists(basename(zipfile))) {
download.file(url = zipfile,
destfile =
} else if (file.exists(basename(zipfile))) { <- basename(zipfile)
unzip(zipfile =,
overwrite = TRUE,
exdir = tmp.dir)
# Return a vector of zipfile contents
if (list_files) {
unzipped.df <- unzip(zipfile =, list = TRUE)
unzipped <- file.path(tmp.dir, unzipped.df$Name)
} else {
unzipped <- NULL
# Clean up temp folder
if (unlink) {
if (keep_zip) {
file.copy(from =,
to = file.path(normalizePath(dir), zipfile))
# Wraps utilities for a common workflow
load_shp <- function(file,
layer = NULL,
dir = ".",
keep_zip = FALSE,
unlink = TRUE,
...) {
stopifnot(is_zip(file) | is_shp(file))
if (is_zip(file)) {
unzipped <- unpack_zip(zipfile = file,
dir = dir,
keep_zip = keep_zip,
unlink = unlink)
shp <- grep("\\.shp$", unzipped, value = TRUE)
} else if (is_shp(file)) {
shp <- file
stopifnot(length(shp) == 1)
if (is.null(layer)) {
layer <- layer_n(dsn = shp, n = 1)
message(paste("Defaulting to first layer:", layer))
read_shp(dsn = shp, layer, ...)
load_geojson <- function(file, layer = NULL, dir = ".", ...) {
json.local <- file.path(normalizePath(dir), basename(file))
if (is_remote(file) & !file.exists(json.local)) {
tmp.dir <- tempdir()
json.local <- tempfile(tmpdir = tmp.dir,
fileext = ".json")
download.file(url = file,
destfile = json.local)
if (is.null(layer)) {
layer <- layer_n(dsn = json.local, n = 1)
message(paste("Defaulting to first layer:", layer))
read_geojson(dsn = json.local, layer = layer, ...)
# Usage
u <- ""
j <- ""
greg <- load_shp(u)
us <- load_geojson(j)
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