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Created January 2, 2011 22:09
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Python CGI to show the gender of words in various languages
#!/usr/bin/env python
import cgitb
import os, re, urllib, json
from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint
def GET(uri):
u = urllib.urlopen(uri)
bytes =
return bytes
r_entity = re.compile(r'&([^;\s]+);')
def entity(match):
value =
if value.startswith('#x'):
return unichr(int(value[2:], 16))
elif value.startswith('#'):
return unichr(int(value[1:]))
elif name2codepoint.has_key(value):
return unichr(name2codepoint[value])
return '[' + value + ']'
def decode(html):
return r_entity.sub(entity, html)
def translate(text, input, output):
if not text: return ''
uri = ''
q = urllib.quote(text)
pair = input + '%7C' + output
bytes = GET(uri + '?q=' + q + '&v=1.0&langpair=' + pair)
result = json.loads(bytes)
try: s = result['responseData']['translatedText']
except Exception: return ''
return decode(s).encode('utf-8')
word = os.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '/')
if word.startswith('/'):
word = word[1:]
fr = translate('the ' + word, 'en', 'fr')
es = translate('the ' + word, 'en', 'es')
it = translate('the ' + word, 'en', 'it')
de = translate('the ' + word, 'en', 'de')
# cy = translate('the ' + word, 'en', 'cy')
if ' ' in fr:
fr, fr_word = fr.split(' ', 1)
else: fr, fr_word = '', fr
if ' ' in es:
es, es_word = es.split(' ', 1)
else: es, es_word = '', es
if ' ' in it:
it, it_word = it.split(' ', 1)
else: it, it_word = '', it
if ' ' in de:
de, de_word = de.split(' ', 1)
else: de, de_word = '', de
fr = fr.lower()
es = es.lower()
it = it.lower()
de = de.lower()
# cy = cy.split(' ')[0].lower()
print 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8'
print 'fr(' + {'le': 'M', 'la': 'F',
'un': 'M', 'une': 'F',
'des': 'P', 'les': 'P'}.get(fr, fr + '?') + ')',
print 'es(' + {'el': 'M', 'la': 'F',
'los': 'M', 'las': 'F'}.get(es, es + '?') + ')',
print 'it(' + {'il': 'M', 'la': 'F'}.get(it, it + '?') + ')',
print 'de(' + {'der': 'M', 'die': 'F',
'das': 'N', 'des': 'M'}.get(de, de + '?') + ')',
print '-',
print ', '.join([fr_word, es_word, it_word, de_word])
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