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Last active December 31, 2023 11:26
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Autohotkey (v2) Middle mouse button scrolling for trackpoint/pointstick (similar to tpmiddle but hardware agnostic)
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
; Taken from here:
; Maybe set Windows options for scrolling to "Multiple lines" but set the setting of how many lines to "1" or "2"
;#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SetMouseDelay -1
SendMode "Input" ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
;SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
Sensitivity := 20 ; how far it takes before the scroll happens
HideCursor := True ; decides if the mouse cursor is hidden on scrolling
DidScroll := False
IsLongMousePress := False
X1 := 0
Y1 := 0
$*MButton Up::{
if (IsLongMousePress){
MouseMove X1, Y1, 0 ;Set back the mouse possition
if (HideCursor) SystemCursor("Show")
Send "{MButton up}" ;Saves the Middel Click function
if (!DidScroll && IsLongMousePress) {
SetTimer MBScroll, 0 ;Ends the Scrolling (if started)
global DidScroll, IsLongMousePress, X1, Y1
DidScroll := False
IsLongMousePress := False
MouseGetPos &X1, &Y1
if (HideCursor) SystemCursor("Hide")
waited := KeyWait("MButton", "U T0.250")
If waited==0 {
IsLongMousePress := True
SetTimer MBScroll, 10
Else {
state := GetKeyState("Mbutton")
if (state)
SendInput "{Mbutton down}"
SendInput "{Mbutton}"
global DidScroll
MouseGetPos &X2, &Y2
MouseMove X1, Y1, 0 ;Sest back the mouse possition
MouseDifferenceY := Abs(Y1 - Y2)
MouseDifferenceX := Abs(X1 - X2)
Difference := ""
Direction := ""
if (MouseDifferenceY >= MouseDifferenceX)
Direction := Y2 > Y1 ? "Down" : "Up"
Difference := MouseDifferenceY
} else {
Direction := X2 > X1 ? "Right" : "Left"
Difference := MouseDifferenceX
if (Difference >= 4 * Sensitivity)
state := GetKeyState("Mbutton")
if (state)
Click "Wheel" . Direction ;SendInput "{Blind}{Wheel%Direction%}"
DidScroll := True
} else if (Difference >= 3 * Sensitivity)
state := GetKeyState("Mbutton")
if (state)
Click "Wheel" . Direction ;SendInput "{Blind}{Wheel%Direction%}"
DidScroll := True
Sleep 10
} else if (Difference >= 2 * Sensitivity)
state := GetKeyState("Mbutton")
if (state)
Click "Wheel" . Direction ;SendInput "{Blind}{Wheel%Direction%}"
DidScroll := True
Sleep 30
} else if (Difference >= Sensitivity)
state := GetKeyState("Mbutton")
if (state)
Click "Wheel" . Direction ;SendInput "{Blind}{Wheel%Direction%}"
DidScroll := True
Sleep 50
ClipboardOld := ClipboardAll
Clipboard := "" ; Must start off blank for detection to work.
Send "^c"
waited := ClipWait(1, 1)
if waited==0 ; ClipWait timed out.
KeyWait "mbutton"
Sleep 100
Send "^v"
Sleep 100
Clipboard := ; Must start off blank for detection to work.
Clipboard := ClipboardOld ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
waited := ClipWait(1, 1)
if waited==0 ; ClipWait timed out.
; This is the section that handles the hiding of the cursor
; ===================================
SystemCursor(cmd) ; cmd = "Show|Hide|Toggle|Reload"
static visible := true, c := Map()
static sys_cursors := [32512, 32513, 32514, 32515, 32516, 32642
, 32643, 32644, 32645, 32646, 32648, 32649, 32650]
if (cmd = "Reload" or !c.Count) ; Reload when requested or at first call.
for i, id in sys_cursors
h_cursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", id)
h_default := DllCall("CopyImage", "Ptr", h_cursor, "UInt", 2
, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0)
h_blank := DllCall("CreateCursor", "Ptr", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0
, "Int", 32, "Int", 32
, "Ptr", Buffer(32*4, 0xFF)
, "Ptr", Buffer(32*4, 0))
c[id] := {default: h_default, blank: h_blank}
switch cmd
case "Show": visible := true
case "Hide": visible := false
case "Toggle": visible := !visible
default: return
for id, handles in c
h_cursor := DllCall("CopyImage"
, "Ptr", visible ? handles.default : handles.blank
, "UInt", 2, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0)
DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "Ptr", h_cursor, "UInt", id)
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I just picked up a Trackpoint II and will be using this script, thanks!

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