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Last active October 6, 2022 21:34
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Bash script for waybar to provide pipewire volume
# A script to display the pipewire/wireplumber volume in Waybar
# This is an optimised bash script. wpctl is called once every $DELAY seconds
# to obtain the default sink volume. No other process is started.
# The waybar configuration should look like that
# "custom/pipewire": {
# "tooltip": false,
# "max-length": 6,
# "restart-interval": 10,
# "exec": "exec $HOME/path-to/pw-volume-monitor.bash"
# },
# The script is not properly terminated when waybar is restarted.
# This is probably because it is started via '/bin/sh -c "..."' and
# /bin/sh does not always terminate its children processes when it dies.
# A trick is to declare the waybar custom module with
# "exec": "exec path-to-this-script"
# The second 'exec' is the builtin command that tells /bin/sh to terminate
# and replace itself by the script. Consequently, waybar will send the
# termination signal directly to the script.
# That trick also save a bit of resources (one less process in the background)
# Another simple trick is to make the shell script terminate as soon as
# a command fails. In that case, that the 'echo' commands will fail
# when STDOUT ceases to be valid.
# Anyway, this is always a good idea to stop a script when something
# goes wrong (e.g. wpctl or pipewire not working as expected)
set -e
# Snore is a pure bash implementation of 'sleep' that does not start any subprocess
local IFS
[[ -n "${_snore_fd:-}" ]] || exec {_snore_fd}<> <(:)
read ${1:+-t "$1"} -u $_snore_fd || :
# Delay in seconds between updates
# ICON will be set to an array containing the speaker icons for mute, low, medium, high
# Multiple sets of text icons are possible:
# no icons
SET0=("" "" "" "")
# From the Unicode subset 'Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs' (aka emojis).
# On Linux, a few fonts such as Noto Emoji are providing them in full color.
# VS15 AND VS16 are variation selectors for emoji. If multiple fonts are providing
# emojis, they could be used to select either a monochrome or a color version.
VS="" # replace by $VS15 or $VS16 if needed
# Those are FontAwesome icons. They use the Unicode private plane and so are non standard.
# See also the Nerd Fonts project:
# Those can be a bit wider than other characters so a space can be needed
$'\uf026 '
$'\uf027 '
$'\uf028 '
# Choose here your favorite icon set.
while snore $DELAY ; do
# Is it possible to get multiple lines with wpctl?
# Not sure but lets assume that this is possible.
INPUT=$(wpctl get-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@)
while read LINE ; do
# The output of wpctl is of the form
# Volume: AAAAA.BB
# or
# Volume: AAAAA.BB [MUTED]
# Where A and B are sequences of digits.
# --> B is always of length 2 and A is often of length 1.
# However, Pipewire can set the volume to more than 100%
# so A may be bigger.
if [[ "$LINE" =~ ^Volume:.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]{2})(([[:blank:]]\[MUTED\])?)$ ]] ; then
if [[ -n "$OUT" ]] ; then
OUT+=" "
# Bash stores the parts of the matched regular expression in BASH_REMATCH
# [0] = the whole match
# [1] = the AAAAA part
# [2] = the BB part
# [3] = the MUTED part when found
if [[ -n "${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" ]] ; then
# Numbers starting with 0 are interpeted in octal.
# That can be prevented by specifying a decimal base as in 10#033
# Remark: Do not use 'let' to do the math because the script will
# terminate (because of 'set -e') when the value is 0
volume=$(( 10#${BASH_REMATCH[1]}${BASH_REMATCH[2]} ))
if [[ $volume -gt 50 ]]; then
elif [[ $volume -gt 25 ]]; then
elif [[ $volume -gt 0 ]]; then
echo "Warning: Failed to match output of wpctl: '$LINE'" >&2
exit 1
done <<<"$INPUT"
if [[ -n "$OUT" ]] ; then
printf "$OUT\n"
exit 0
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