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Created November 19, 2017 20:34
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You have an elevation map and you want to know the shortest climbing route
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# You have an elevation map and you want to know the shortest climbing route.
# The map is given as a list of strings.
# - 0 : plain (elevation is 0)
# - 1-9 : hill (number is elevation)
# "mountain" is adjacent (only 4 directions) hill group.
# - It consists of two or more hills.
# - Isolated hill is not mountain.
# Start is top-left. Goal is bottom-right. You have to go over all the
# mountaintops. You can only move vertical and horizontal. And you can only
# move to the same or one elevation difference. You should look for the shortest
# route and return Number of steps. (if mountains do not exist, You may go to
# the goal at the shortest from the start).
from math import inf
from itertools import permutations
def get_neighbors(fun, nrow, ncol, r, c):
for dr, dc in ((1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)):
rr = r + dr
cc = c + dc
if 0 <= rr < nrow and 0 <= cc < ncol:
if fun(r, c, rr, cc):
yield (rr, cc)
def get_mountains(emap, nrow, ncol):
hills = [(r, c) for r in range(nrow) for c in range(ncol) if emap[r][c] > 0]
is_hill = lambda r, c, rr, cc: emap[rr][cc] > 0
while hills:
adjacent = []
to_visit = [hills[0]]
while to_visit:
rc = to_visit.pop()
if rc in hills:
r, c = rc
adjacent.append((emap[r][c], rc))
for pos in get_neighbors(is_hill, nrow, ncol, r, c):
if pos in hills:
if len(adjacent) > 1 and adjacent[-2][0] != adjacent[-1][0]:
yield adjacent[-1][1]
def reconstruct_path(path, current):
route = [current]
while current in path:
current = path[current]
return route
class SearchPathCache:
def __init__(self, fun): = fun
self.cache = {}
def __call__(self, emap, nrow, ncol, start, end):
key = (start, end)
if key not in self.cache:
self.cache[key] =, nrow, ncol, start, end)
return self.cache[key]
def search_path(emap, nrow, ncol, start, end):
# Pseudo A* algorithm
passable = lambda r, c, rr, cc: abs(emap[r][c] - emap[rr][cc]) < 2
opened = [start] # nodes discovered but not evaluated
closed = [] # nodes already evaluated
cost = {start: 0} # cost of getting from the start node to that node
path = {} # travelling of nodes
while opened:
min_cost = sorted((cost[i], i) for i in opened if i in cost)
if min_cost:
current = min_cost[0][1]
current = opened[0]
if current == end:
return reconstruct_path(path, current)
for neighbor in get_neighbors(passable, nrow, ncol, *current):
if neighbor in closed:
if neighbor not in opened:
tentative = cost[current] + 1
if neighbor in cost and tentative >= cost[neighbor]:
path[neighbor] = current
cost[neighbor] = tentative
def climbing_route(elevation_map):
emap = tuple(tuple(map(int, row)) for row in elevation_map)
nrow = len(emap)
ncol = len(emap[0])
start = (0, 0)
end = (nrow - 1, ncol - 1)
mountains = list(get_mountains(emap, nrow, ncol))
min_steps = inf
for objectives in permutations(mountains, len(mountains)):
steps = 0
a = start
for b in (*objectives, end):
path = search_path(emap, nrow, ncol, a, b)
if path:
steps += (len(path) - 1)
if steps >= min_steps:
steps = 0
a = b
steps = 0
if steps and steps < min_steps:
min_steps = steps
return min_steps
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert climbing_route([
'000']) == 6, 'basic'
assert climbing_route([
'00000']) == 26, 'spiral'
assert climbing_route([
'100000000']) == 26, 'bridge'
assert climbing_route([
'011100000000']) == 26, 'two top'
assert climbing_route([
'001000000000']) == 16, 'one top'
assert climbing_route([
'11100000000000000']) == 52, 'pyramids'
assert climbing_route([
'0000000000000']) == 110, 'extra test 1'
assert climbing_route([
'33456554332111210']) == 37, 'extra test 2'
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