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Created August 27, 2024 00:10
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const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const expectError = std.testing.expectError;
const Ti = i64;
const Tu = u64;
const Tu_ = u63;
fn gcd(p: anytype, q: anytype) @TypeOf(p, q) {
assert(p >= 1);
assert(q >= 1);
// convert comptime_int to a sized integer within this function so that @ctz will work
const T = switch (@TypeOf(p, q)) {
comptime_int => std.math.IntFittingRange(@min(p, q), @max(p, q)),
else => |U| U,
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Int => |info| {
const unsigned = info.signedness == .unsigned;
// If we can fit into an i64 or i128 we can use an even faster algorithm
const n: ?comptime_int = if (info.bits <= if (unsigned) 63 else 64)
else if (info.bits <= if (unsigned) 127 else 128) 128 else null;
if (n) |bits| {
const iN = @Type(.{ .Int = .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = bits } });
const uN = @Type(.{ .Int = .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = bits } });
var u: iN = p;
var v: iN = q;
var uz: uN = @intCast(@ctz(u));
const vz: uN = @intCast(@ctz(v));
const shift = @min(uz, vz);
v >>= @intCast(vz);
while (true) {
u >>= @intCast(uz);
const diff = v - u;
if (diff == 0) break;
uz = @intCast(@ctz(diff));
v = @min(u, v);
u = @intCast(@abs(diff));
const result: T = @intCast(v << @intCast(shift));
assert(result > 0);
return result;
} else {
var u: T = undefined;
var v: T = undefined;
if (p < q) {
u = q;
v = p;
} else {
u = p;
v = q;
assert(v <= u);
u %= v;
if (u == 0) return v;
const zu = @ctz(u);
const zv = @ctz(v);
const shift = @min(zu, zv);
u >>= @intCast(zu);
v >>= @intCast(zv);
while (true) {
const diff = u -% v;
if (u > v) {
u = v;
v = diff;
} else {
v -= u;
if (diff != 0) v >>= @intCast(@ctz(diff));
if (v == 0) break;
const result = u << @intCast(shift);
assert(result > 0);
return result;
else => {
var a = p;
var b = q;
var c: T = undefined;
while (b != 0) {
c = b;
b = @mod(a, b);
a = c;
assert(a > 0);
return a;
fn gcd64(p: Tu, q: Tu) @TypeOf(p, q) {
assert(p >= 1);
assert(q >= 1);
var u: Ti = @intCast(p);
var v: Ti = @intCast(q);
var uz: Tu = @intCast(@ctz(u));
const vz: Tu = @intCast(@ctz(v));
const shift = @min(uz, vz);
v >>= @intCast(vz);
while (true) {
u >>= @intCast(uz);
const diff = v - u;
if (diff == 0) break;
uz = @intCast(@ctz(diff));
v = @min(u, v);
u = @intCast(@abs(diff));
const result: Tu = @intCast(v << @intCast(shift));
assert(result > 0);
return result;
fn gcdLemire(p: Tu, q: Tu) @TypeOf(p, q) {
assert(p >= 1);
assert(q >= 1);
var u: Tu = undefined;
var v: Tu = undefined;
if (p < q) {
u = q;
v = p;
} else {
u = p;
v = q;
assert(v <= u);
u %= v;
if (u == 0) return v;
const zu = @ctz(u);
const zv = @ctz(v);
const shift = @min(zu, zv);
u >>= @intCast(zu);
v >>= @intCast(zv);
while (true) {
const diff = u -% v;
if (u > v) {
u = v;
v = diff;
} else {
v -= u;
if (diff != 0) v >>= @intCast(@ctz(diff));
if (v == 0) break;
const result = u << @intCast(shift);
assert(result > 0);
return result;
fn gcdEuclid(p: anytype, q: anytype) @TypeOf(p, q) {
assert(p >= 1);
assert(q >= 1);
var a = p;
var b = q;
var c: @TypeOf(p, q) = undefined;
while (b != 0) {
c = b;
b = @mod(a, b);
a = c;
assert(a > 0);
return a;
test "gcd" {
const seed = 0x1234578;
var prng = std.Random.DefaultPrng.init(seed);
var random = prng.random();
var as: usize = 0;
var bs: usize = 0;
var cs: usize = 0;
var ds: usize = 0;
for (0..100000) |_| {
const a =;
const b =;
if (a == 0 or b == 0) continue;
var timer = try std.time.Timer.start();
const zz = gcd(a, b);
ds += timer.lap();
const x = gcd64(a, b);
as += timer.lap();
const y = gcdLemire(a, b);
bs += timer.lap();
const z = gcdEuclid(a, b);
cs += timer.lap();
try expectEqual(x, y);
try expectEqual(x, z);
try expectEqual(x, zz);
std.debug.print("{d} {d} {d} {d}\n", .{ ds, as, bs, cs });
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