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Last active October 9, 2024 04:02
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const route =
`5.6 4c
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5.10b 6a+
5.10c 6b
5.10d 6b+
5.11a 6c
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5.14b 8c
5.14c 8c+
5.14d 9a
5.15a 9a+
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`VB 3
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V6 7A
V7 7A+
V8 7B/7B+
V9 7C
V10 7C+
V11 8A
V12 8A+
V13 8B
V14 8B+
V15 8C
V16 8C+
V17 9A`;
const map = {};
for (const line of route.split('\n')) {
const [yds, font] = line.split(' ');
map[yds] = font;
map[font] = yds;
for (const line of boulder.split('\n')) {
const [v, font] = line.split(' ');
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const readline = require('readline');
const route =
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5.14b 8c
5.14c 8c+
5.14d 9a
5.15a 9a+
5.15b 9b
5.15c 9b+
5.15d 9c`;
const boulder =
`VB 3
V0 4
V1 5
V2 5+
V3 6A/6A+
V4 6B/6B+
V5 6C/6C+
V6 7A
V7 7A+
V8 7B/7B+
V9 7C
V10 7C+
V11 8A
V12 8A+
V13 8B
V14 8B+
V15 8C
V16 8C+
V17 9A`;
const map = {};
for (const line of route.split('\n')) {
const [yds, font] = line.split(' ');
map[yds] = font;
map[font] = yds;
for (const line of boulder.split('\n')) {
const [v, font] = line.split(' ');
for (const f of font.split('/')) {
if (map[v]) {
map[v] = [map[v], f];
} else {
map[v] = f;
map[f] = v;
const keys = Object.keys(map);
const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout });
const question = () => {
const q = keys[Math.floor(Math.random()*keys.length)];
rl.question(`${q}: `, a => {
const correct = Array.isArray(map[q])
? map[q].includes(a)
: (map[q] === a || map[q] === `5.${a}` || map[q] === `V${a}`);
const symbol = correct ? '✓' : '✗';
const color = correct ? '2' : '1';
const answer = Array.isArray(map[q]) ? map[q].join('/') : map[q];
console.log(`\x1b[3${color}m${symbol} ${answer}\x1b[0m`);
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scheibo commented Oct 8, 2024


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