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Created April 21, 2012 22:18
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pil wrong colors
im = infile )
except IOError:
print "Cant load", infile
curW, curH = size = im.size
curW = float( curW )
curH = float( curH )
print (curW/curH)
print "Image width x height:", curW, "x", curH
print "Output image-size:", newW, "x", newH
cropH = curW*(newH/newW)
cropH = round(cropH)
cropW = newW*(cropH/newH)
print "Maximum dimensions to crop", cropW, "x", cropH
x1, y1 = int( (curW-cropW)/2 ), int( (curH-cropH)/2 )
x2, y2 = int( cropW+x1 ), int( cropH+y1 )
print "Cropping from", x1, "x", y1, "to", x2, "x", y2
frames = []
while 1:
frame = im.convert('RGB').crop( (x1,y1,x2,y2) )
frame.thumbnail( newsize )
data = frame.load()
newframe = {}
sizex, sizey = frame.size
for y in range(0, sizey-1 ):
for x in range(0, sizex-1 ):
pixel = data[ x, y ]
newframe[ x,y ] = int( toGrayscale( pixel ) )
sys.stdout.write( str( newframe[ x,y ] ) )
frames.append( newframe ) im.tell() + 1 )
print "\n"
except EOFError:
pass # end of sequence
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