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Last active February 5, 2020 22:50
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Tracing srtp_aes_icm_context_init in WhatsApp with Frida
const apiResolver = new ApiResolver("objc");
const resolvedMatches = apiResolver.enumerateMatches(
"+[NSURL URLWithUnicodeString:]"
const SCAN_SIZE = 100000;
const scanStart = resolvedMatches[0].address;
const scanResults = Memory.scanSync(
// first bytes of the hexadecimal representation of srtp_aes_icm_context_init
"FF 83 01 D1 F8 5F 02 A9 F6 57 03 A9"
// srtp_err_status_t srtp_aes_icm_context_init(void *cv, const uint8_t *key)
const targetPointer = ptr(scanResults[0].address);
const targetFunction = new NativeFunction(targetPointer, "int", [
console.log("scan start: " + scanStart);
console.log("srtp_aes_icm_context_init: " + scanResults[0].address);
Interceptor.attach(targetFunction, {
onEnter: function(args) {
static srtp_err_status_t srtp_aes_icm_context_init(void *cv, const uint8_t *key)
typedef struct {
v128_t counter; holds the counter value
v128_t offset; initial offset value
v128_t keystream_buffer; buffers bytes of keystream
srtp_aes_expanded_key_t expanded_key; the cipher key
int bytes_in_buffer; number of unused bytes in buffer
int key_size; AES key size + 14 byte SALT
} srtp_aes_icm_ctx_t;
console.log("srtp_aes_icm_context_init " + args[0] + " key:");
hexdump(args[1], {
offset: 0,
length: 16
onLeave: function(args) {}
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