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Last active August 10, 2024 23:08
Show Gist options
  • Save schl3ck/818d8e8a49c121f5fdadb658930916a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save schl3ck/818d8e8a49c121f5fdadb658930916a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Easily import Scriptable Scripts from Github Gists
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: yellow; icon-glyph: download;
// share-sheet-inputs: url;
* *
* Import Script from Gist *
* *
* This script imports files from a Github *
* Gist. *
* *
* Just run it from the action extension *
* while viewing the Gist in your browser *
* of choice or copy its URL and run this *
* script. *
* It will download all files (up to 300, *
* then Github's API forces you to clone *
* the Gist) and import them either in *
* Scriptable's iCloud folder or in *
* Scriptable's local documents folder. (It *
* will ask, if there are more than 5 files *
* to import) *
* If there is already a file with the same *
* name, and they have different contents, *
* it will ask if you want to overwrite *
* them (it says which files will be *
* overridden). You can override or skip *
* them or cancel the import altogether. *
* After the import is done, it sends you a *
* notification, which will be deleted *
* after about 2 seconds *
* *
* To download from private Gists or view *
* your own Gists, you need to configure *
* an OAuth App on GitHub. If you have done *
* that already for the Script "Create *
* Gist" *
* (, you *
* don't need to do it again, because the *
* same user data will be used. *
* *
* Follow the instructions on the link *
* below to create your OAuth App. *
* *
* When you are asked to put in a redirect *
* URL, you should put the URL for running *
* this script in Scriptable. Assuming the *
* name of this script is "Import Script *
* from Gist", the URL is *
* This URL needs to match the script name, *
* like in the example. If you have already *
* registered your app and authenticated *
* with the "Create Gist" script, but then *
* removed the credentials with this *
* script, you have to log in again with *
* the "Create Gist" script, otherwise it *
* will give you an error like "The *
* redirect URI has to match the callback *
* URI". *
* *
* *
* Now that you have an app, make sure that *
* you don't have a Gist URL in your *
* clipboard and run this script. The *
* script will prompt you to enter a Gist *
* URL, but select "User Account" and "Log *
* in". You will be asked for the client ID *
* and client secret you got after creating *
* the app on GitHub. *
* *
* Made by @schl3ck in May 2019 (Reddit, *
* Automators Talk) *
* *
* Version 1.1 *
* (Changelog at the bottom) *
* *
// This script will search for moment.js in your Scriptable scripts and in lib/moment.js. If it can't find it, it won't use it. If you will never install moment.js you can disable it here.
let useMoment = true;
// Do not change anything below this line, unless you know what you do!
// Keychain key for the GitHub OAuth App client ID
let CLIENT_ID_KEY = "github.gists.clientId"
// Keychain key for the GitHub OAuth App client secret
let CLIENT_SECRET_KEY = "github.gists.clientSecret"
// Keychain key for the access token
let ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY = "github.gists.accessToken"
// This is the base URL for all API calls
let apiURL = "";
let regex = /^https?:\/\/gist\.github\.com\//;
// prefer saving to iCloud, but if it wasn't enabled, fall back to local
let fm;
try {
fm = FileManager.iCloud();
} catch (ex) {
fm = FileManager.local();
let userGistCache;
let moment;
// Check for any URL parameters (script was called by URL scheme)
let params = args.queryParameters
if (params.error_description) {
// Received error during OAuth flow.
let error = decodeURIComponent(params.error_description.replace(/\+/g, " "));
let a = new Alert();
a.title = "OAuth error";
a.message = error;
await a.presentAlert();
} else if (params.code != null) {
// Exchange code to an access token and continue normally
await exchangeCode(params.code)
} else if ( {
await presentSingleGist(;
} else if (params.url) {
await presentSingleGist(getIdFromUrl(params.url));
let gistUrl;
// check if we got an URL via the share sheet
if (config.runsInActionExtension && args.urls && args.urls.length) {
// get the first one that is a Gist URL
gistUrl = args.urls.find((u) => regex.test(u)) || "";
if (gistUrl) {
await presentSingleGist(getIdFromUrl(gistUrl));
} else {
// we got no Gist URL
if (Keychain.contains(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY)) {
await presentMainMenu(config.runsInActionExtension ? "No Gist URL found" : null);
} else {
await askGistUrl(false);
async function presentMainMenu(message) {
let loggedIn = Keychain.contains(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY);
let inShareSheet = config.runsInActionExtension;
// display message, if in share sheet
let a = new Alert();
if (message)
a.title = message;
a.addAction("Enter URL");
a.addAction("Show User Gists");
a.addAction("User Settings");
switch(await a.presentSheet()) {
case -1: return;
case 0:
await askGistUrl(false, presentMainMenu);
case 1:
await presentUserGists(presentMainMenu);
case 2:
await presentUserSettings(presentMainMenu);
async function presentUserSettings(prevFunc) {
let hasKey = Keychain.contains(CLIENT_ID_KEY);
let loggedIn = Keychain.contains(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY);
let a = new Alert();
// because we only get an index of the selected option, save what that option does
let options = [];
if (loggedIn) {
a.title = "Logged in";
a.message = "You can download from private Gists!\n\nIf you want, you can logout, but this won't be confirmed! You can also remove the app credentials (this will also log you out).";
a.addDestructiveAction("Remove credentials");
options = ["logout", "delete"];
} else if (hasKey) {
a.title = "Not logged in";
a.message = "You cannot download from private Gists.\n\nIf you want, you can remove the OAuth credentials or log in.";
a.addAction("Log in");
a.addDestructiveAction("Remove credentials");
options = ["login", "delete"];
} else {
a.title = "No credentials found";
a.message = "You cannot download from private Gists.\n\nIf you want, you can add the OAuth credentials and log in.";
a.addAction("Add credentials");
a.addAction("Log in");
options = ["add", "login"];
a.addCancelAction(prevFunc ? "Back" : "Quit");
let res = await a.presentSheet();
if (res === -1) return prevFunc && prevFunc();
switch (options[res]) {
case "delete":
case "add":
await addCredentials();
case "logout":
case "login":
if (!hasKey)
await addCredentials();
await authorize();
async function presentUserGists(prevFunc) {
if (!userGistCache) {
let req = apiRequest("");
userGistCache = await req.loadJSON();
let a = new Alert();
a.title = `${userGistCache.length} Gists found`;
a.addCancelAction(prevFunc ? "Back" : "Quit");
userGistCache.forEach((g) => {
let str = "";
str += g.public ? "🌍 " : "🔒 ";
str += Object.keys(g.files).join(", ");
let res = await a.presentSheet();
if (res === -1) return prevFunc && prevFunc();
if (res === 0) {
userGistCache = null;
await presentUserGists(prevFunc);
await presentSingleGist(userGistCache[res - 1].id, () => presentUserGists(prevFunc));
async function presentSingleGist(gistID, prevFunc) {
let gist = await apiRequest(gistID).loadJSON();
if (gist.message === "Not Found") {
let a = new Alert();
a.title = "Gist not found";
a.message = "Gist ID: " + gistID;
a.addCancelAction(prevFunc ? "Back" : "Quit");
await a.presentAlert();
return prevFunc && prevFunc();
let a = new Alert();
a.title = gist.public ? "🌍 public" : "🔒 private";
let files = Object.keys(gist.files);
files.sort((a, b) => a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase()));
a.message = `Created: ${await formatDate(gist.created_at)}
Updated: ${await formatDate(gist.updated_at)}
Description: ${gist.description}
${files.length} file${files.length !== 1 ? "s" : ""}:
${files.join(", ")}`;
a.addCancelAction(prevFunc ? "Back" : "Quit");
switch(await a.presentSheet()) {
case -1: return prevFunc && prevFunc();
case 0:
await WebView.loadURL(gist.html_url);
await presentSingleGist(gistID, prevFunc);
case 1:
await downloadGist(gistID);
case 2:
await presentSingleGist(gistID, prevFunc);
async function formatDate(date) {
let res;
date = new Date(date);
if (useMoment) {
if (!moment) {
for (let path of ["", "lib"]) {
path += "/moment.js";
let fullPath = fm.documentsDirectory() + "/" + path;
if (fm.fileExists(fullPath)) {
await fm.downloadFileFromiCloud(fullPath);
moment = importModule(path);
res = date.toLocaleDateString() + " " + date.toLocaleTimeString();
if (useMoment && moment) {
res += " " + moment(date).fromNow();
return res;
async function addCredentials() {
a = new Alert();
a.title = "OAuth app credentials";
a.message = "Please enter the client ID and client secret";
a.addTextField("Client ID");
a.addTextField("Client Secret");
if (await a.presentAlert() === 0) {
let id = a.textFieldValue(0);
let secret = a.textFieldValue(1);
Keychain.set(CLIENT_ID_KEY, id);
Keychain.set(CLIENT_SECRET_KEY, secret);
// remove the access token, because it isn't valid anymore if the secret has changed
if (Keychain.contains(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY))
async function authorize() {
let clientId = Keychain.get(CLIENT_ID_KEY)
let redirectURL = "scriptable:///run?scriptName=" +
let scope = "gist"
let baseURL = ""
let url = baseURL
+ "?client_id=" + encodeURIComponent(clientId)
+ "&redirect_uri=" + encodeURIComponent(redirectURL)
+ "&scope=" + scope
* Exchanges an OAuth code to an access token using the GitHub API and stores the access token in the keychain.
* @param {string} code
async function exchangeCode(code) {
let clientId = Keychain.get(CLIENT_ID_KEY)
let clientSecret = Keychain.get(CLIENT_SECRET_KEY)
let baseURL = ""
let url = baseURL
+ "?client_id=" + encodeURIComponent(clientId)
+ "&client_secret=" + encodeURIComponent(clientSecret)
+ "&code=" + encodeURIComponent(code)
let req = new Request(url)
req.method = "POST"
req.headers = {
"Accept": "application/json"
let res = await req.loadJSON()
let accessToken = res.access_token
Keychain.set(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY, accessToken)
* Removes all stored credentials.
function removeCredentials(all) {
if (all) {
function apiRequest(url) {
let u = apiURL;
if (url) u += "/" + url;
let req = new Request(u);
if (Keychain.contains(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY)) {
// we are authorized
req.headers = {
Authorization: "token " + Keychain.get(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY)
return req;
async function downloadGist(gistID) {
// Get the data in the Gist
let req = apiRequest(gistID);
let res = await req.loadJSON();
let files = Object.values(res.files);
// await QuickLook.present(files);
if (files.length > 5) {
// more than 5 files? ask the user
let a = new Alert();
a.title = res.truncated ? "Too many files" : "More than 5 files";
a.message = `There are more than ${res.truncated ? 300 : 5} files in this gist. ${res.truncated ? "Only the first 300 files can be imported." : ""}
Do you want to continue?`;
if (await a.presentAlert() === -1) return;
// Get the content of each file
let contents = await Promise.all( => {
// if it is truncated, request its contents
if (file.truncated) {
return new Request(file.raw_url).loadString();
// otherwise just return them
return Promise.resolve(file.content);
// update the content in the files array
contents.forEach((c, i) => (files[i].content = c));
// await QuickLook.present(files);
// Check for files that are already there, but only with different content
let duplicates = files.filter((f) => {
f.path = fm.joinPath(fm.documentsDirectory(), f.filename);
return fm.fileExists(f.path) && fm.readString(f.path) !== f.content;
if (duplicates.length) {
// we have some files with changed content
let a = new Alert();
a.title = duplicates.length + " files are already there";
a.message = "These files are:\n\n" + => f.filename).join("\n");
a.addCancelAction("Cancel whole import");
switch (await a.presentSheet()) {
case -1: return;
case 0: break;
case 1:
files = files.filter(f => !duplicates.includes(f));
// save them to disk
files.forEach((file) => {
fm.writeString(file.path, file.content);
// notify the user
let n = new Notification();
n.title =;
n.body = `\nImported ${files.length} files`;
n.sound = null;
// This is just to add some delay, before we remove the notification again
let wv = new WebView();
let end = + 2000;
await wv.loadHTML("<body></body>");
await wv.evaluateJavaScript(`let diff = ${end} -;
diff > 0 ? setTimeout(completion, diff) : completion()`, true);
* Asks for a Gist URL and returns it
async function askGistUrl(nothingFound, prevFunc) {
let gistID = Pasteboard.pasteString() || "";
gistID = regex.test(gistID) ? gistID : "";
let a = new Alert();
a.title = nothingFound ? "No Gist URL found" : "Gist URL";
a.message = "Please enter a Gist url";
a.addTextField("Gist URL", gistID);
a.addCancelAction(prevFunc ? "Back" : "Quit");
a.addAction(Keychain.contains(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY) ? "Main Menu" : "User Account");
let res = await a.presentAlert();
switch(res) {
case -1: return prevFunc && prevFunc();
case 0:
gistID = a.textFieldValue(0);
// has the user entered a Gist URL?
if (regex.test(gistID))
await presentSingleGist(getIdFromUrl(gistID), () => askGistUrl(false, prevFunc));
else await askGistUrl(true, prevFunc);
case 1:
if (Keychain.contains(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY))
await presentMainMenu();
await presentUserSettings();
function getIdFromUrl(url) {
// Get Gist ID from the URL
return url.split("/").pop();
2020-03-01 - v1.1
Download from private Gists
List your own Gists and download them
2019-05-19 - v1.0
Initial release
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