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Created June 1, 2012 17:39
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Demo of a hacky def function for a lambda-like syntax in javascript
// def(function() { $[0]+$[1] }) --> $ is a real array of args, adds a return
var def = function(f) {
// Another option is like this so $0, $1 etc
//return eval("("
// +(f.toString()
// .replace(/\$_/g, "arguments[0]")
// .replace(/\$[\d+]/g, function(r,num) { return "arguments["+num+"]" })
// .replace(/\) { /, ") { return ")
// )+")");
// Hacks around for trailing ; issue, and suffers from closure issues (when we eval here
// any local symbols have vanished) but the idea is good... see for the
// real thing ( !!
// Inspiration from
// Note [\s\S] matches any char, whereas '.' won't match a \n
return eval(("("+f+")").replace(/\) \{([\s\S]*)\}\)$/, function(s,m) {
return (") {"
+"var $ =,0), $_ = $[0];"
+"return ("+m.replace(/;\s+$/, "")+"); })");
var add2 = def(function() { $[0] + $[1] });
var sum = def(function() { $_.reduce(add2, 0) });
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schmerg commented Jun 1, 2012

Note that you can still name parameters if you want
add2 = def(function(x,y) { x+y; })
and you can avoid breaking closures if you don't mind moving the eval outside of def() (ie this is tailored to my personal taste, feel free to fiddle)

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