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Last active December 17, 2020 12:23
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Create a "sudo" kubeconfig for the current kubecontext
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ ! -z "${DEBUG}" ]]; then set -x; fi
set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail
# Creates a sudo kubeconfig for the current context
# Result is either printed to stdout or added to current KUBECONFIG (queried interactively)
# Options can be passed via env vars:
# * SUDO_PREFIX - Prefix added to current kubecontext and user to flag it as "sudo". Default: SUDO-
# * SUDO_CONTEXT_POSTFIX - Postfix added to current kubecontext to raise attention to it being for sudo only. Default: -:-O
# * DEBUG - prints echo of commands (set -x)
# Note: Keep it simple to allow auto completion with '--context='
# Note: Be careful with this - emojis lead to escaping with kubectx, exclamation mark are special chars in shell, etc
context=$(kubectl config current-context)
user=$(kubectl config view -o "jsonpath={.contexts[?(\"$context\")].context.user}")
cluster="$(kubectl config view -o "jsonpath={.contexts[?(\"$context\")].context.cluster}")"
namespace="$(kubectl config view -o "jsonpath={.contexts[?(\"$context\")].context.namespace}")"
function main() {
printStdErr "Creating sudo kubeconfig for current kube context $context"
extractCurrentContextAndAddSudoUser "$tmpConfig"
createCleanSudoKubeconfig "${sudoConfig}"
printOrAddKubeconfig "${sudoConfig}"
# Reset to non-sudo context, because using the sudo context is only meant to be used explicitly via --context
kubectl config use-context "$context" > /dev/null
function extractCurrentContextAndAddSudoUser() {
# export current kubeconfig only
kubectl config view --minify --raw | \
# Workaround sed being unable to match \n
tr '\n' '\r' | \
# Add sudo user
sed -e "s/- name: $user\r\( *\)user:/- name: $SUDO_PREFIX$user\n\1user:\n\1 as: $USER\n\1 as-groups:\n\1 - system:masters/" | \
# Bring back line breaks and write to file
tr '\r' '\n' > "$1"
# Fail when sed failed
grep "$SUDO_PREFIX$user" "$tmpConfig" > /dev/null || (echo "Failed to create sudo user in kubeconfig. Run with DEBUG=true for details" && return 1)
export KUBECONFIG=${tmpConfig}:~/.kube/config
function createAndActivateContextWithSudoUser() {
kubectl config set-context "$SUDO_PREFIX$context$SUDO_CONTEXT_POSTFIX" \
--cluster="$cluster" --user="$SUDO_PREFIX$user" --namespace="$namespace" >/dev/null
# Active context can be exported more easily
kubectl config use-context "$SUDO_PREFIX$context$SUDO_CONTEXT_POSTFIX" >/dev/null
function createCleanSudoKubeconfig() {
# Keep only the active context, remove potential other contexts
kubectl config view --minify --raw > "$sudoConfig"
function printOrAddKubeconfig() {
if confirm "Add context '$SUDO_PREFIX$context$SUDO_CONTEXT_POSTFIX' to $HOME/.kube/config?" "Otherwise print to stdout" "y/n [n]"; then
backup="$HOME/.kube/config.bck-$(date +%s)"
printStdErr "Creating backup at $backup"
cp ~/.kube/config "$backup"
KUBECONFIG=${sudoConfig}:~/.kube/config kubectl config view --flatten >~/.kube/config2 && mv ~/.kube/config2 ~/.kube/config
chmod 700 ~/.kube/config
printStdErr "Use sudo-kubecontext with 'kubectl --context=$SUDO_PREFIX$context$SUDO_CONTEXT_POSTFIX'"
printStdErr "Hint 1: Use auto completion for the context"
printStdErr "Hint 2: Also works with helm --kube-context, k9s --context, fluxctl --context, istictl, etc."
cat "$sudoConfig"
printStdErr "Pipe content to file an 'export KUBECONFIG=file' to use kubeconfig"
function confirm() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2145
# - the line break between args is intended here!
>&2 printf "%s\n" "${@:-Are you sure? [y/N]} "
read -r response
case "$response" in
[yY][eE][sS] | [yY])
function printStdErr() {
# Print "logs" to stderr, so output of kubeconfig is no obstructed.
# Allows for ./ > kubeconfig-sudo.yaml
echo "$@" 1>&2;
main "$@"
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Note: This script moved to its own repo cloudogu/sudo-kubeconfig.

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