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Created March 1, 2022 19:08
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import re
from checkov.common.models.enums import CheckResult
from checkov.terraform.checks.module.base_module_check import BaseModuleCheck
MODULE_GIT_VERSION_PATTERN = re.compile(r"git::https?:\/\/[^\/]+\/.+.git\?ref=(\b[0-9a-f]{5,40}\b)")
class ModuleSourceHashCheck(BaseModuleCheck):
def __init__(self):
name = "Ensure module is immutable using commit hash"
id = "CKV_TF_MODULE_2"
supported_resources = ['module']
categories = []
super().__init__(name=name, id=id, categories=categories, supported_resources=supported_resources)
def scan_module_conf(self, conf):
Some test for module source
:param conf: module call
:return: <CheckResult>
source = conf.get('source', [])
if not source:
# source is using latest or tagged version
return CheckResult.FAILED
if MODULE_GIT_VERSION_PATTERN.match(source[0]):
# immutable source is being used
return CheckResult.PASSED
# non immutable source is used
return CheckResult.FAILED
scanner = ModuleSourceHashCheck()
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