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Created September 15, 2021 20:06
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import axios from 'axios';
import { LogFactory, Logger, LogService, MangaLaterFunction, IdentityIAM, IdentitySTS, UserIAM, UserSTS, LogMessageTypes } from '@manga-later/sdk-javascript';
import { Context, CloudFormationCustomResourceEvent, CloudFormationCustomResourceResponse } from 'aws-lambda';
import AWSXRay from 'aws-xray-sdk';
import aws from 'aws-sdk';
const AWS = AWSXRay.captureAWS(aws);
export const SecureStringHandler = async (event: CloudFormationCustomResourceEvent, context: Context): Promise<void> => {
const identity: IdentityIAM | IdentitySTS | undefined = await getIdentity();
if (!identity) {
await sendResponse(event, responseFactory.createResponse(false));
throw new Error('Could not get Identity from Lambda');
// Instantiate the appropriate function for the request type.
let lambdaFunction: MangaLaterFunction;
if (event.RequestType === RequestTypes.CREATE) {
lambdaFunction = new CreateSecureStringFunction(logger, secureStringService, responseFactory, event, context);
} else if (event.RequestType === RequestTypes.DELETE) {
lambdaFunction = new DeleteSecureStringFunction(logger, secureStringService, responseFactory, event);
} else if (event.RequestType === RequestTypes.UPDATE) {
const createFunction = new CreateSecureStringFunction(logger, secureStringService, responseFactory, event, context);
const deleteFunction = new DeleteSecureStringFunction(logger, secureStringService, responseFactory, event);
lambdaFunction = new UpdateSecureStringFunction(logger, createFunction, deleteFunction);
} else {
const lambdaResponse = responseFactory.createResponse(false);
await sendResponse(event, lambdaResponse);
throw new Error('Unsupported Request Type used');
// Run the function and then notify CloudFormation that the function is completed.'Handler configuration completed'));
const result = await;
await sendResponse(event, result as CloudFormationCustomResourceResponse);'Handler completed execution'));
async function getIdentity(): Promise<IdentityIAM | IdentitySTS | undefined> {'Looking for calling identity');
const sts = new AWS.STS();
try {
const callerResult = await sts.getCallerIdentity().promise();
if (!callerResult.Arn){
return undefined;
const arnParts = callerResult.Arn.split(':');
const provider = arnParts[2]; //Should return sts or iam out of the arn:aws:iam string
if (provider === 'sts') {
return new UserSTS(callerResult.Arn);
} else if (provider === 'iam') {
return new UserIAM(callerResult.Arn);
} catch(err) {
console.error(err as Error);
return undefined;
return undefined;
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