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Last active February 19, 2017 18:17
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Simple extension to AWSAPIGatewayClient rewritten for Swift 3 to automatically get configuration, and have a shared lazy instantiated client. Other code will call invokeHTTPRequest directly.
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import AWSCore
import AWSAPIGateway
extension AWSAPIGatewayClient
static let AWSInfoClientKey = "ApiClientKey"
static let AWSPath = "https://apipath"
Returns the singleton service client. If the singleton object does not exist, the SDK instantiates the default service client with `defaultServiceConfiguration` from `AWSServiceManager.defaultServiceManager()`. The reference to this object is maintained by the SDK, and you do not need to retain it manually.
If you want to enable AWS Signature, set the default service configuration in `func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?)`
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
let credentialProvider = AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider(regionType: .USEast1, identityPoolId: "YourIdentityPoolId")
let configuration = AWSServiceConfiguration(region: .USEast1, credentialsProvider: credentialProvider)
AWSServiceManager.defaultServiceManager().defaultServiceConfiguration = configuration
return true
Then call the following to get the default service client:
let serviceClient = AWSAPIGatewayClient.default()
Alternatively, this configuration could also be set in the `info.plist` file of your app under `AWS` dictionary with a configuration dictionary by name `AWSAPIGatewayClient`.
@return The default service client.
static let _defaultClient:AWSAPIGatewayClient =
var serviceConfiguration: AWSServiceConfiguration? = nil
let serviceInfo = AWSInfo.default().defaultServiceInfo(AWSInfoClientKey)
if let serviceInfo = serviceInfo {
serviceConfiguration = AWSServiceConfiguration(region: serviceInfo.region, credentialsProvider: serviceInfo.cognitoCredentialsProvider)
} else if (AWSServiceManager.default().defaultServiceConfiguration != nil) {
serviceConfiguration = AWSServiceManager.default().defaultServiceConfiguration
} else {
serviceConfiguration = AWSServiceConfiguration(region: .unknown, credentialsProvider: nil)
return AWSAPIGatewayClient(configuration: serviceConfiguration!)
public class func `default`() -> AWSAPIGatewayClient { return _defaultClient }
convenience init(configuration: AWSServiceConfiguration) {
self.configuration = configuration.copy() as! AWSServiceConfiguration
var URLString: String = AWSAPIGatewayClient.AWSPath
if URLString.hasSuffix("/")
URLString.remove(at: URLString.index(before: URLString.endIndex))
self.configuration.endpoint = AWSEndpoint(region: configuration.regionType, service: .apiGateway, url: URL( string:URLString )!)
let signer: AWSSignatureV4Signer = AWSSignatureV4Signer(credentialsProvider: configuration.credentialsProvider, endpoint: self.configuration.endpoint)
if let endpoint = self.configuration.endpoint
self.configuration.baseURL = endpoint.url
self.configuration.requestInterceptors = [AWSNetworkingRequestInterceptor(), signer]
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