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Created March 15, 2023 13:44
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Ruby on Rails locales-find script for fuzzy searching through locales yaml files using full dot notation part #rails #locales #fzf #fuzzy #compare

Ruby on Rails locales-find script for fuzzy searching through locales yaml files using full dot notation part

Hacked together a quick ruby script for fuzzy searching for locale keys with their full dot notation part. It loads all yaml files in config/locales, flattenes all the key paths like and prints the value and filename after. The result is passed through fzf for fuzzy filtering.

bin/locales-find | fzf --ansi -e

or maybe: docker-compose run --rm web bin/locales-find 2>/dev/null | fzf --ansi -e


#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require "pathname"
ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] ||= File.expand_path("../../Gemfile",

require "rubygems"
require "bundler/setup"
require "colorize"
require "yaml"

def main
  flattened_locales.each do |(key, val, file)|
    puts "#{}: #{val} - #{file.bold}"

def flattened_locales
  Dir["config/locales/*.yml"].flat_map do |path|
    hash = YAML.safe_load(, aliases: true)
    file = path.split("/")[2..].join("/")
    flatten_hash(hash).map { |arr| arr << file }
  end.sort_by { |(key)| key[3..] }

def flatten_hash(obj, key_path = nil)
  case obj
  when Array
    obj.flat_map.with_index { |o, i| flatten_hash(o, [key_path, i].compact.join(".")) }
  when Hash
    obj.flat_map { |k, o| flatten_hash(o, [key_path, k].compact.join(".")) }
    [[key_path, obj]]


See also this other script I wrote 2 years earlier and almost forgot about:

Ruby on Rails compare yaml locales by key for each language bin/locales-compare

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