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Hack to convert marshmallow schemas to pydantic models
Customized by Bright Wolf to improve in various ways including recursion and
support data_key for field name
WARNING: not thoroughly tested and does not support full translation
between the two libraries.
Uses a pydantic root_validator to init the marshmallow schema. It attempts
to map marshmallow field types to pydantic field types as well, but not all
field types are supported.
You can either use the pydantic_from_marshmallow function that does all of
the above or just subclass MarshmallowModel and manually define your pydantic
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta, time
from decimal import Decimal
import enum
import inspect
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Union, ForwardRef
from marshmallow import Schema, fields, missing
from pydantic.class_validators import root_validator
from pydantic.main import BaseModel, create_model
from pydantic.networks import AnyUrl, EmailStr
from pydantic.types import StrictFloat, StrictInt
from pydantic.utils import validate_field_name
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
# Fields in the marshmallow schema may fail the call to pydantic's
# validate_field_name if they conflict with base fields. To work around this
# we mark illegal fields with this and then strip it later to create an alias
# using an alias_generator. Bleh.
ALIAS_MARKER = "__alias__"
pymm_cache = {}
def get_dict_type(val):
"""For dicts we need to look at the key and value type"""
key_type = get_pydantic_type(val.key_field)
if val.value_field:
value_type = get_pydantic_type(val.value_field, True)
return Dict[key_type, value_type]
return Dict[key_type, Any]
def get_list_type(val):
"""For lists we need to look at the value type"""
if val.inner:
c_type = get_pydantic_type(val.inner, True)
return List[c_type]
return List
def get_nested_model(val):
"""Return a model from a nested marshmallow schema"""
return pydantic_from_marshmallow(val.schema)
fields.Bool: bool,
fields.Boolean: bool,
fields.Date: date,
fields.DateTime: datetime,
fields.Decimal: Decimal,
fields.Dict: get_dict_type,
fields.Email: EmailStr,
fields.Float: float,
fields.Function: Callable,
fields.Int: int,
fields.Integer: int,
fields.List: get_list_type,
fields.Mapping: Mapping,
fields.Method: Callable,
fields.Nested: get_nested_model,
fields.Number: Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt],
fields.Str: str,
fields.String: str,
fields.Time: time,
fields.TimeDelta: timedelta,
fields.URL: AnyUrl,
fields.Url: AnyUrl,
fields.UUID: str,
# TODO - Make this real
fields.Enum: enum.Enum,
def is_custom_field(field):
"""If this is a subclass of marshmallow's Field and not in our list, we
assume its a custom field"""
ftype = type(field)
if issubclass(ftype, fields.Field) and ftype not in FIELD_CONVERTERS:
return True
return False
def get_pydantic_type(field, no_optional=False):
"""Get pydantic type from a marshmallow field
We need to prohibit optional as types inside lists/dicts to ensure forward ref checking works
if is_custom_field(field):
conv = Any
conv = FIELD_CONVERTERS[type(field)]
# TODO: Is there a cleaner way to check for annotation types?
if isinstance(conv, type) or conv.__module__ == "typing":
pyd_type = conv
pyd_type = conv(field)
if not field.required and not no_optional:
pyd_type = Optional[pyd_type]
return pyd_type
def is_valid_field_name(bases, fld_name):
validate_field_name(bases, fld_name)
return True
except NameError:
return False
def get_alias(name):
if name.endswith(ALIAS_MARKER):
return name.replace(ALIAS_MARKER, "")
return name
class MarshmallowModel(BaseModel):
_schema = None
def _schema_validate(cls, values):
if not cls._schema:
raise AssertionError("Must define a marshmallow schema")
return cls._schema().load(values) # pylint: disable=not-callable
class Config:
alias_generator = get_alias
def pydantic_from_marshmallow(src_schema, name=None):
"""Convert a marshmallow schema to a pydantic model. May only
work for fairly simple cases. Barely tested. Enjoy."""
if inspect.isclass(src_schema):
if name is None:
name = src_schema.__name__
if name.endswith('Schema'):
name = name[:-6]
if callable(getattr(src_schema, 'schema', None)):
src_schema = src_schema.schema()
if name is None:
if isinstance(src_schema, Schema):
name = src_schema.__class__.__name__
name = src_schema.__name__
if name.endswith('Schema'):
name = name[:-6]
if name in pymm_cache:
return pymm_cache[name]
pymm_cache[name] = ForwardRef(name)
pyd_fields = {}
for field_name, field in src_schema._declared_fields.items(): # pylint: disable=protected-access
pyd_type = get_pydantic_type(field)
default = field.default if field.default != missing else None
if field.data_key:
field_name = field.data_key
if not is_valid_field_name([BaseModel], field_name):
field_name = field_name + ALIAS_MARKER
pyd_fields[field_name] = (pyd_type, default)
# Automatically resolves forward refs
pydantic_model = create_model(name, **pyd_fields, __base__=MarshmallowModel)
pymm_cache[name] = pydantic_model
return pydantic_model
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Simple test...
def is_valid_str(val):
if not isinstance(val, str):
raise ValidationError(f"value is not a string: {val}")
return val
class MyField(fields.Field):
class TestSchema(Schema):
some_str = fields.String(required=True, validate=is_valid_str)
some_dict = fields.Dict(keys=fields.Str(), default=None, missing={})
some_list = fields.List(fields.Integer)
fields = fields.Str() # illegal field name for pydantic
class TestSubSchema(TestSchema):
some_int = fields.Integer(required=False, missing=5)
some_custom_field = MyField()
for schema in [TestSchema, TestSubSchema]:
model = pydantic_from_marshmallow(schema)
x = model(some_str="a string!")
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This fork primarily offers a few additional capabilities:

  1. Permits nesting of models (recursion) which previously resulted in a stack overflow. Added caching as part of this for potential performance gains on re-processed schemas.
  2. Slightly better naming convention of resulting pydantic class by using the original marshmallow model name where possible or stripping off the self-describing word "schema".
  3. Support for dataclasses_json naming via the "data_key" IF present - this is useful as it provides the actual json property names if they are rendered as camel case instead, for example using the letter_case decorator option.
  4. Adds (untested) awareness of Enum types.
  5. Run through pylint to follow some additional purely stylistic linting updates.

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