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# Coding Guidelines
## Rules
1. **Omit the return keyword in one-line functions that return a value.**
2. **Use trailing closure syntax.**
3. **Remove the Google indentation guide rule due to lack of specific guidelines in the Google Swift style guide and because SwiftLint handles indentation.**
4. **Reevaluate the rule regarding DispatchQueue from inaction on the main thread for feasibility in static analysis.**
5. **Use higher-order functions when multiple properties call the same function.**
6. **Require every method to have a comment.**
7. **Remove one-line functions that do not return anything and call the code directly.**
8. **Avoid print statements; use a logging function instead (as a warning).**
9. **Avoid function declarations within other function bodies.**
10. **Use higher-order functions for processing arrays instead of loops.**
11. **Avoid using `[String: Any]`; use `Codable` instead.**
12. **Combine nested if-else statements into a single initialization statement.**
13. **Avoid empty files.**
14. **Inline constants or variables used only once.**
## Removed Rules and Reasons
1. **Google Indentation Guide:** Removed because there is no specific section on indentation in the Google Swift style guide, and SwiftLint already handles indentation.
2. **DispatchQueue from inaction is already on main thread:** Reevaluate the feasibility of enforcing this rule statically. Consider dynamic analysis or runtime checks to ensure code runs on the correct thread.
## Examples
### 1. Omit the return keyword in one-line functions that return a value.
**Non-triggering examples:**
func blocks() -> [Block] {
.all(with: .retained, times: 2)
func fetchUser() -> User {
User(name: "John")
func calculateSum(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
a + b
**Triggering examples:**
func blocks() -> [Block] { return .all(with: .retained, times: 2) }
func fetchUser() -> User { return User(name: "John") }
func calculateSum(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int { return a + b }
### 2. Use trailing closure syntax.
**Non-triggering examples:**
someFunction { value in
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {
self.view.alpha = 1.0
fetchData { result in
**Triggering examples:**
someFunction(settingsAction: { value in
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, animations: {
self.view.alpha = 1.0
fetchData(completion: { result in
### 4. Use higher-order functions when multiple properties call the same function.
**Non-triggering examples:**
[am6Btn, am7Btn].forEach { $0.titleLabel?.setAkinFont() }
[btn1, btn2, btn3].forEach { $0.isEnabled = true }
[view1, view2, view3].forEach { $0.isHidden = false }
**Triggering examples:**
btn1.isEnabled = true
btn2.isEnabled = true
btn3.isEnabled = true
view1.isHidden = false
view2.isHidden = false
view3.isHidden = false
**More examples:**
action: #selector(addProfilePicPress),
for: .touchUpInside
action: #selector(addProfilePicPress),
for: .touchUpInside
Should be:
[addButton, addProfilePicButton].forEach {
$0.addTarget(self, action: #selector(addProfilePicPress), for: .touchUpInside)
logoutLabel.text = "Logout"
logoutLabel.textColor = .romanceRed
logoutLabel.constraint(from: .centeredHorizontallyWith(contentView))
logoutLabel.constraint(from: .centeredVerticallyTo(contentView))
logoutLabel.constraint(from: .distanceToBottom(contentView.bottomAnchor, 36))
logoutLabel.constraint(from: .distanceToTop(contentView.topAnchor, 36))
Should be:
logoutLabel.text = "Logout"
logoutLabel.textColor = .romanceRed
[.centeredHorizontallyWith(contentView), .centeredVerticallyTo(contentView),
.distanceToBottom(contentView.bottomAnchor, 36), .distanceToTop(contentView.topAnchor, 36)].forEach {
logoutLabel.constraint(from: $0)
Should be:
[rightAddButton, scrollButton, closeButton, closeButtonBordered].forEach {
### 5. Require every method to have a comment.
**Non-triggering examples:**
/// Fetches data from the server.
func fetchData() {
// implementation
/// Handles user login.
func loginUser() {
// implementation
**Triggering examples:**
func fetchData() {
// implementation
func loginUser() {
// implementation
### 6. Remove one-line functions that do not return anything and call the code directly.
**Non-triggering examples:**
print("Hello, World!")
**Triggering examples:**
func printHello() {
print("Hello, World!")
func reset() {
value = 0
### 7. Avoid print statements; use a logging function instead.
**Non-triggering examples:**
logger.log("This is a log message")
```swift"User logged in successfully")
debugPrint("Debugging information")
**Triggering examples:**
print("This is a log message")
print("User logged in successfully")
print("Debugging information")
### 8. Avoid function declarations within other function bodies.
**Non-triggering examples:**
func outerFunction() {
// code
func innerFunction() {
// code
func calculate() {
let result = compute()
// other code
func performAction() {
// action code
**Triggering examples:**
func outerFunction() {
func innerFunction() {
// code
func calculate() {
func compute() -> Int {
return 5
let result = compute()
func performAction() {
func action() {
// action code
### 9. Use higher-order functions for processing arrays instead of loops.
**Non-triggering examples:**
let values = ["a", "b", "c"].map { $0.uppercased() }
let filtered = numbers.filter { $0 > 10 }
let sum = numbers.reduce(0, +)
**Triggering examples:**
var values = [String]()
for item in ["a", "b", "c"] {
var filtered = [Int]()
for number in numbers {
if number > 10 {
var sum = 0
for number in numbers {
sum += number
### 10. Avoid using `[String: Any]`; use `Codable` instead.
**Non-triggering examples:**
struct MyData: Codable {
let name: String
let age: Int
let jsonData = try? JSONEncoder().encode(myData)
let myData = try? JSONDecoder().decode(MyData.self, from: jsonData)
**Triggering examples:**
let data: [String: Any] = ["name": "John", "age": 30]
let jsonData = try? data)
let data = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData)
### 11. Combine nested if-else statements into a single initialization statement.
**Non-triggering examples:**
presentation: enabled ? .enabled(importance ?? .irrelevant) : .disabled(importance),
changedImportance: enabled && importance != nil
**Triggering examples:**
if enabled {
if let importance = importance {
self.init(presentation: .enabled(importance), autoChangedImportance: false)
} else {
self.init(presentation: .enabled(.irrelevant), autoChangedImportance: true)
} else {
self.init(presentation: .disabled(importance), autoChangedImportance: false)
### 12. Avoid empty files.
**Non-triggering examples:**
- Any file with content.
**Triggering examples:**
- Any file that is completely empty.
### 13. Inline constants or variables used only once.
**Non-triggering examples:**
regularContentsModel: RegularContentsView.Model(
title: "Are you sure?",
message: "If you close this greet, it can't be reopened."
models: UIButton.SimpleModel(
title: "Yes close it.",
action: {
**Triggering examples:**
let contents = RegularContentsView.Model(
title: "Are you sure?",
message: "If you close this greet, it can't be reopened."
let buttonModel = UIButton.SimpleModel(
title: "Yes close it.",
action: {
regularContentsModel: contents,
models: buttonModel
### 14. Inline constants or variables used only once.
**Non-triggering examples:**
regularContentsModel: RegularContentsView.Model(
title: "Are you sure?",
message: "If you close this greet, it can't be reopened."
models: UIButton.SimpleModel(
title: "Yes close it.",
action: {
**Triggering examples:**
let contents = RegularContentsView.Model(
title: "Are you sure?",
message: "If you close this greet, it can't be reopened."
let buttonModel = UIButton.SimpleModel(
title: "Yes close it.",
action: {
regularContentsModel: contents,
models: buttonModel
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