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Last active November 2, 2022 17:41
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attempting to isolate an issue with sqlite and large integer values in piccolo
Original code by @dantownsend
Minor tweets by @scott2b
from piccolo.table import Table
from piccolo.columns.column_types import Integer, JSON
from piccolo.engine.sqlite import SQLiteEngine
DB = SQLiteEngine(log_queries=True)
class Tweet(Table, tablename="tweets", db=DB):
tweet_id: int = Integer(primary_key=True)
data: dict = JSON()
async def main():
if await Tweet.table_exists():
await Tweet.alter().drop_table()
await Tweet.create_table()
#start = 1000000000 # this works
start = 1587623774714830850 # this does not
# raw insert fails with a returning statement. The returned ID value does not
# match the value that is actually in the db
await Tweet.delete(force=True)
for i in range(start, start + 100):
r = await Tweet.raw("insert into tweets (tweet_id, data) values ({}, {}) returning tweet_id",
i, '{"message": "hello world 1"}' )
tweet_id = r[0]["tweet_id"]
assert tweet_id == i, f"ID from raw insert call with return not correct. {tweet_id} != {i}"
""" The returned value is not the value in the DB!!!
AssertionError: ID from raw insert call with return not correct. 1587623774714830848 != 1587623774714830850
sqlite> select * from tweets;
1587623774714830850|{"message": "hello world 1"}
"""And yet:
sqlite> insert into tweets (tweet_id, data) values (1587623774714830850, '{"message": "hello world 1"}') returning tweet_id;
# others do not work for large IDs
# Make sure `create` assigns primary key values correctly.
await Tweet.delete(force=True)
for i in range(start, start + 100):
tweet = await Tweet.objects().create(
data={'message': 'hello world 2'}
assert tweet.tweet_id == i, f"ID from create call is not correct. {tweet.tweet_id} != {i}"
# Make sure `get_or_create` assigns primary key values correctly for existing rows.
for i in range(start, start + 100):
tweet = await Tweet.objects().get_or_create(
Tweet.tweet_id == i,
defaults={ 'data': { 'message': 'hello world 3' } }
assert tweet.tweet_id == i, f"ID from get_or_create call is not correct for existing row. {tweet.tweet_id} != {i}"
# Make sure `get_or_create` assigns primary key values correctly for non-existing rows.
await Tweet.delete(force=True) # make them all non-existing
for i in range(start, start + 100):
tweet = await Tweet.objects().get_or_create(
Tweet.tweet_id == i,
defaults={'data': { 'message': 'hello world 4'} }
assert tweet.tweet_id == i, f"ID from get_or_create call is not correct for non-existing row. {tweet.tweet_id} != {i}"
if __name__ == '__main__':
import asyncio
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