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Last active September 27, 2024 21:31
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Example code to animate the eye movements of a pumpkin Halloween decoration. See for the full build video! Consider sponsoring me on github to support projects like this:
#include <Servo.h>
Servo s;
int pos[] = { 90, 80, 65, 120, 105, 110, 98, 68, 84, 74};
int d[] = {3000, 500, 1200, 1530, 700, 200, 800, 450, 300, 670};
void setup() {
s.attach(6); // <---- Change 6 to the pin you're using
void loop() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// This code is public domain. Use it however you'd like. Attribution
// to Scott Bezek and the build video (
// is always appreciated.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Servo.h>
// This is a more advanced example that avoids using delay() so that you can do
// other things while the motor animation is running. In this case, I've added
// a basic LED blink throughout the animation. Pin 17 is one of the built-in
// LEDs on the Pro Micro, but you can change to pin 13 for an Uno.
#define SERVO_PIN 6
#define LED_PIN 17
Servo s;
void setup() {
unsigned int animationStep = 0;
unsigned long lastAnimationMillis = 0;
int pos[] = { 90, 80, 65, 120, 105, 110, 98, 68, 84, 74};
unsigned long d[] = {3000, 500, 1200, 1530, 700, 200, 800, 450, 300, 670};
// Concurrent blink example:
unsigned long lastBlinkMillis = 0;
bool ledOn = false;
void loop() {
// Check if it's time for the next animation step
if (millis() - lastAnimationMillis > d[animationStep]) {
// It's time to animate! Make a note of the current time that we're running this animation
lastAnimationMillis = millis();
// Move to the next animation step
// If we've gone through all animation steps, restart at step 0
if (animationStep >= sizeof(pos)/sizeof(pos[0])) {
animationStep = 0;
// Move the servo to the new position for this step
// Check if it's time to blink the LED
if (millis() - lastBlinkMillis > 1000) {
lastBlinkMillis = millis();
ledOn = !ledOn;
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, ledOn);
// This code is public domain. Use it however you'd like. Attribution
// to Scott Bezek and the build video (
// is always appreciated.
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