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Created April 27, 2011 21:00
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Model code for Postgres full text search example
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :title, :body, :presence => true
# Note that ActiveRecord ARel from() doesn't appear to accommodate "?"
# param placeholder, hence the need for manual parameter sanitization
def self.tsearch_query(search_terms, limit = query_limit)
words = sanitize(search_terms.scan(/\w+/) * "|")
Article.from("articles, to_tsquery('pg_catalog.english', #{words}) as q").
where("tsv @@ q").order("ts_rank_cd(tsv, q) DESC").limit(limit)
# Selects search results with plain text title & body columns.
# Select columns are explicitly listed to avoid returning the long redundant tsv strings
def self.plain_tsearch(search_terms, limit = query_limit)
select([:title, :body, :id]).tsearch_query(search_terms, limit)
# Select search results with HTML highlighted title & body columns
def self.highlight_tsearch(search_terms, limit = query_limit)
body = "ts_headline(body, q, 'StartSel=<em>, StopSel=</em>, HighlightAll=TRUE') as body"
title = "ts_headline(title, q, 'StartSel=<em>, StopSel=</em>, HighlightAll=TRUE') as title"[body, title, :id]).tsearch_query(search_terms, limit)
def self.query_limit; 25; end
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