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Last active January 4, 2016 08:38
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Save scottmcarthur/8596279 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
How to automatically detect database model changes in ServiceStack.OrmLite, and have the database update automatically.
public void CheckDatabaseModel(Type modelType)
// Get the referenced model version
string modelVersion = Assembly.GetAssembly(modelType).GetName().Version.ToString();
// Determine the last model version number from the configuration
var config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
var lastModelVersion = config.AppSettings.Settings["DatabaseModelVersion"];
// Determine if the model has changed
if(lastModelVersion == null || lastModelVersion.Value != modelVersion)
Console.WriteLine("Model has changed");
using(var db = Resolve<IDbConnectionFactory>().OpenDbConnection())
// Drop and recreate the tables
// Determine the tables from the model assembly
var tables = modelType.GetNestedTypes();
var orderTables = new Dictionary<int, Type>();
var unorderedTables = new List<Type>(); // Tables without the attribute will be created last, but in no specific order
foreach(var table in tables)
var order = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(table, typeof(TableCreationOrderAttribute)) as TableCreationOrderAttribute;
if(order != null)
orderTables.Add(order.Order, table);
foreach(var table in orderTables.OrderBy(t=>t.Key))
foreach(var table in unorderedTables)
// Repopulate database with initial data.
// Save the model version to settings
if(lastModelVersion == null)
config.AppSettings.Settings.Add("DatabaseModelVersion", modelVersion);
config.AppSettings.Settings["DatabaseModelVersion"].Value = modelVersion;
} else {
// The model numbers matched
Console.WriteLine("Model is current");
public class TableCreationOrderAttribute : Attribute
public int Order { get; private set; }
public TableCreationOrderAttribute(int order)
Order = order;


  1. Create a separate Model library with auto incrementing build numbers. By setting the assembly version to a wildcard:

     [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
  2. Ensure your model tables are contained in a suitably named public static class i.e.

     public static class Model
         public class Article : IHasId<int>
  3. Add the TableCreationOrderAttribute to the model project, outside the static class - So it's not considered part of it!

  4. Decorate your model with the TableCreationOrder i.e.

     public class Article : IHasId<int>
  5. Add the CheckDatabaseModel method to your project. (If you have added it to a utility library just reference it!)

  6. Add a reference to the Model assembly in your project. And call the check on the type of the model assembly:

  7. Ensure your application has an app.config or web.config as appropriate. It can be empty, the code will auto-initialise it.

  8. Relax, your project will now pick up changes to your model automatically when it runs, and your database will be updated!

CheckDatabaseModel required to reference:

  • using System.Reflection;
  • using System.Configuration;
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