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kamilogorek /
Last active September 18, 2024 03:05
Clutter-free VS Code Setup
caspg / 1_searchbar_live.ex
Last active February 23, 2025 13:52
Example of real-time search bar implementation in Phoenix LiveView and Tailwind. Working example on
defmodule TravelerWeb.SearchbarLive do
use TravelerWeb, :live_view
alias Phoenix.LiveView.JS
alias Traveler.Places
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
socket = assign(socket, places: [])
{:ok, socket, layout: false}
brentjanderson /
Created June 14, 2022 15:53
Elixir runtime-controlled supervision tree using feature flags (circuit breaker)

These snippets provide a foundation for starting and stopping supervision trees at runtime using feature flags (e.g. Launch Darkly).

Some things to note when adapting these snippets:

  1. application.ex needs to be adapted into an existing application. The important part is that each child spec provided is compliant, and that there is a feature flag (ld_key) specified.
  2. As written, if a feature flag fails for some reason, it defaults to starting all children. There is room for adaptation here as needed.
  3. This implementation will still require a FeatureFlags module to be available that implements is_on?/2. Adjust as needed to accomodate your own feature flag setup.
jackcoldrick90 / associateContactToCompany.js
Last active November 19, 2024 21:58
This custom code snippet can be used to associate a contact to a company based on the company name property that is stored at a contact level. It's particularly useful if your customers are using a freemail address and aren't supplying a company website - just the name of their company. If no company is found a new record will be created in the …
// Import the Hubspot NodeJS Client Library - this will allow us to use the HubSpot APIs
const hubspot = require('@hubspot/api-client');
This function is called when the custom code action is executed. It takes 2 arguements. The first is the event object which contains information on the currently enrolled object.
The second is the callback function which is used to pass data back to the workflow.
exports.main = (event, callback) => {
// Instantiate a new HubSpot API client using the HAPI key (secret)
krisselden / webpack.config.js
Last active March 31, 2021 03:14
Embroider App Webpack Dev Server Config
/* eslint-env node */
const { Webpack } = require("@embroider/webpack");
const variant = {
name: "dev",
runtime: "browser",
optimizeForProduction: false,
const webpack = new Webpack(
__dirname + "/dist",
pichfl / example.hbs
Last active October 4, 2022 19:01
Media query helper for Ember.js
{{#if (match-media "(max-width:800px)")}}
MediaQuery matches
{{ else}}
MediaQuery doesn't match
lifeart / StateManager.js
Last active March 19, 2021 07:19
state manager, based on ember-concurrency
import {
} from 'ember-concurrency';
export class StateManager {
constructor() {
// UPDATE: don't use this. when it re-partitions the list when time moves forward, it does not correctly keep hashes
// Use a real merkle tree instead:
import Timestamp from './timestamp';
// This is a compact data structure that keeps track of a list of
// hashes (representing messages) over a range of time in order to
// figure out what has changed between clients, kinda like a Merkle
// tree. It creates "buckets" that represent different time ranges,
// and divides time into smaller buckets the more recent they are. The
developit /
Last active February 27, 2020 01:54
Alias to invoke Chrome Canary w/ tracing, for IRHydra

An Alias to run Chrome with tracing enabled

For Chrome Canary:

alias hydra='/Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome\ Canary --no-sandbox --js-flags="--user-data-dir=/tmp/profile --trace-hydrogen --trace-phase=Z --trace-deopt --code-comments --hydrogen-track-positions --redirect-code-traces"'

For regular ol' Chrome:

mrezentes /
Last active March 1, 2024 12:35
Convert a nested struct to a map

Problem: Convert nested structs or nested encoded maps into a decoded map and remove keys with nil values.

Solution: Walk the structure and convert all structures to decoded map.

Before (nested struct):

      _type: "Purchase",
      account_key: "ZBmrcY7sv47nCaZOx5TXBTJuazy"