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Created August 30, 2019 17:35
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Make delegates from methods
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq;
namespace DelegateTesting
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var myClassList = GenerateList(10);
var actions = MethodDelegateCache<MyClass>
.Select(_ => MethodDelegateCache<MyClass>.GetDelegateForMethod(_))
foreach (var obj in myClassList)
foreach (var action in actions)
action(obj, 1);
var method = MethodDelegateCache<MyOtherClass>.GetDelegateForMethod("Eligible");
foreach (var name in new List<string> { "Herman", "Fausta", "Cleo" })
var other = new MyOtherClass(name);
method(other, 999);
public static List<MyClass> GenerateList(int count)
var myClassList = new List<MyClass>();
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
myClassList.Add(new MyClass { Number = i });
return myClassList;
public class MyClass
public int Number { get; set; }
public void DoSomething(int value)
Console.WriteLine($"{value} Do Something");
public void DoNothing(int value)
Console.WriteLine($"{value} Do Nothing");
public void DoSmile(int value)
Console.WriteLine($"{value} Do Smile");
public void NotMe1(int value, int other)
public void NotMe2(string value)
public int NotMe3(int value)
return value;
public class MyOtherClass
private string _name;
public MyOtherClass(string name)
_name = name;
public void Eligible(int value)
Console.WriteLine($"{value} {_name} Eligible");
public static class MethodDelegateCache<T>
private static Dictionary<string, Action<T, int>> cache = new Dictionary<string, Action<T, int>>();
private static Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> mcache = new Dictionary<string, MethodInfo>();
static MethodDelegateCache()
var type = typeof(T);
Console.WriteLine($"Type: {type.Name}");
var methods = typeof(T).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Instance)
.Where(m =>
if (m.IsSpecialName) return false;
var args = m.GetParameters();
var retval = m.ReturnType;
return (args.Length == 1 && args[0].ParameterType == typeof(int) && retval == typeof(void));
Console.WriteLine($"Methods: {methods.Count}");
foreach (var method in methods)
Console.WriteLine($" └── {method.Name}");
mcache.Add(method.Name, method);
Console.WriteLine("Done getting methods");
public static Action<T, int> GetDelegateForMethod(string name)
if (mcache.ContainsKey(name))
if (!cache.ContainsKey(name))
var action = (Action<T, int>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<T, int>), null, mcache[name]);
cache.Add(name, action);
return cache[name];
throw new NotImplementedException($"{typeof(T).Name} does not contain a valid definition for method {name}");
public static Action<T, int> GetDelegateForMethod(MethodInfo info)
return GetDelegateForMethod(info.Name);
public static List<MethodInfo> CandidateMethods => mcache.Values.ToList();
public static List<string> CandidateMethodNames => mcache.Keys.ToList();
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