exFAT support on macOS seems to have some bugs because my external drives with exFAT formatting will randomly get corrupted.
If Disk Utility is unable to repair, consider trying this:
- In Disk Utility, ensure that the drive is not mounted, eject it if it is mounted.
- Use
diskutil list
to find the right drive id. - You want the id under the IDENTIFIER column, it should look like
- Run
sudo fsck_exfat -d <id from above>
. egsudo fsck_exfat -d disk1s3
is debug so you'll see all your files output as they're processed.- Answer
if it gives you the promptMain boot region needs to be updated. Yes/No?
- Open Disk Utility and you should be able to repair here successfully.
See the apple man page below for details on the fsck_exfat
Sources/Extra Reading: https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man8/fsck_exfat.8.html https://craigsmith.id.au/2014/07/06/repairing-a-corrupted-mac-osx-exfat-partition/ https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4154638?tstart=0
any one has faced this issue while launching the terminal - /dev/fd/14:type:296: bad option: -t