$wingetPackages = ( |
"tailscale.tailscale", |
"Readdle.Spark", |
"Google.Chrome", |
"TheBrowserCompany.Arc", |
"Schniz.fnm", |
"twpayne.chezmoi", |
"Git.Git", |
"Tyrrrz.LightBulb", |
"Microsoft.VisualStudioCode", |
"Microsoft.PowerToys", |
"File-New-Project.EarTrumpet", |
"AgileBits.1Password", |
"Starship.Starship", |
"mulaRahul.Keyviz", |
"GitHub.cli", |
"Anysphere.Cursor", |
"Oven-sh.Bun", |
"Beeper.Beeper", |
"Flow-Launcher.Flow-Launcher", |
"gerardog.gsudo", |
"GnuWin32.Which", |
"strayge.tray-monitor", |
"DEVCOM.JetBrainsMonoNerdFont" |
) |
# Define Nerd Font symbols using Unicode code points |
$arrow = [char]0xf0a9 # Arrow icon for actions |
$success = [char]0xf00c # Checkmark icon for success |
$warnIcon = [char]0xf071 # Warning icon for warnings |
$failIcon = [char]0xf00d # Cross icon for errors |
function Install-Chezmoi { |
if (-not (Get-Command chezmoi -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { |
Write-Host "$failIcon Failed to install chezmoi." -ForegroundColor Red |
exit 1 |
} |
else { |
Write-Host "$warnIcon chezmoi is already installed." -ForegroundColor Yellow |
} |
# Initialize chezmoi if not already initialized |
$chezmoiConfigPath = "$HOME\AppData\Local\chezmoi" |
if (-not (Test-Path $chezmoiConfigPath)) { |
Write-Host "$arrow Initializing chezmoi with scowalt/dotfiles..." -ForegroundColor Cyan |
chezmoi init --apply scowalt/dotfiles --ssh |
Write-Host "$success chezmoi initialized with scowalt/dotfiles." -ForegroundColor Green |
} |
else { |
Write-Host "$warnIcon chezmoi is already initialized." -ForegroundColor Yellow |
} |
# Configure chezmoi for auto-commit, auto-push, and auto-pull |
$chezmoiTomlPath = "$HOME\.config\chezmoi\chezmoi.toml" |
if (-not (Test-Path $chezmoiTomlPath)) { |
Write-Host "$arrow Configuring chezmoi with auto-commit, auto-push, and auto-pull..." -ForegroundColor Cyan |
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Split-Path $chezmoiTomlPath) |
@" |
[git] |
autoCommit = true |
autoPush = true |
autoPull = true |
"@ | Set-Content -Path $chezmoiTomlPath |
Write-Host "$success chezmoi configuration set." -ForegroundColor Green |
} |
else { |
Write-Host "$warnIcon chezmoi configuration already exists." -ForegroundColor Yellow |
} |
Write-Host "$arrow Applying chezmoi dotfiles..." -ForegroundColor Cyan |
chezmoi apply |
Write-Host "$success chezmoi dotfiles applied." -ForegroundColor Green |
} |
$githubUsername = "scowalt" |
$githubKeysUrl = "https://github.com/$githubUsername.keys" |
$localKeyPath = "$HOME\.ssh\id_rsa.pub" |
function Test-GithubSSHKeyAlreadyAdded { |
# Fetch existing GitHub SSH keys |
try { |
$githubKeys = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $githubKeysUrl -ErrorAction Stop |
$githubKeyPortions = $githubKeys -split "`n" | ForEach-Object { ($_ -split " ")[1] } |
} |
catch { |
Write-Host "$failIcon Failed to fetch SSH keys from GitHub." -ForegroundColor Red |
exit 1 |
} |
$localKeyContent = Get-Content -Path $localKeyPath |
# Extract the actual key portion (second field in the file) |
$localKeyValue = ($localKeyContent -split " ")[1] |
# Compare local key with each GitHub key portion |
if ($githubKeyPortions -contains $localKeyValue) { |
Write-Host "$success Existing SSH key is recognized by GitHub." -ForegroundColor Green |
return $true |
} |
else { |
Write-Host "$failIcon SSH key not recognized by GitHub. Please add it manually." -ForegroundColor Red |
Write-Host "Public key content to add:" -ForegroundColor Yellow |
Write-Host $localKeyContent -ForegroundColor Yellow |
return $false |
} |
} |
# Function to check and set up SSH key for GitHub |
function Test-GitHubSSHKey { |
Write-Host "$arrow Checking for existing SSH key associated with GitHub..." -ForegroundColor Cyan |
# Check for existing SSH key locally |
if (Test-Path $localKeyPath) { |
# no need to generate |
} |
else { |
# Generate a new SSH key if none exists |
Write-Host "$warnIcon No SSH key found. Generating a new SSH key..." -ForegroundColor Yellow |
# Create the .ssh folder if it doesn't exist |
if (-not (Test-Path "$HOME\.ssh")) { |
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$HOME\.ssh" |
} |
& ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f $localKeyPath.Replace(".pub", "") -N `"`" -C "$githubUsername@windows" |
Write-Host "$success SSH key generated." -ForegroundColor Green |
Write-Host "Please add the following SSH key to GitHub:" -ForegroundColor Cyan |
Get-Content -Path $localKeyPath |
} |
$keyadded = $false |
do { |
$keyadded = Test-GithubSSHKeyAlreadyAdded |
if ($keyadded -eq $false) { |
Write-Host "Press Enter to check if the key has been added to GitHub..." |
[void][System.Console]::ReadLine() |
} |
} while ($keyadded -eq $false) |
} |
# Function to add Starship initialization to PowerShell profile |
function Set-StarshipInit { |
$profilePath = $PROFILE |
$starshipInitCommand = 'Invoke-Expression (&starship init powershell)' |
$escapedPattern = [regex]::Escape($starshipInitCommand) |
if (-not (Select-String -Path $profilePath -Pattern $escapedPattern -Quiet)) { |
Add-Content -Path $profilePath -Value "`n$starshipInitCommand" |
Write-Host "$success Starship initialization command added to PowerShell profile." -ForegroundColor Green |
} |
else { |
Write-Host "$warnIcon Starship initialization command is already in PowerShell profile." -ForegroundColor Yellow |
} |
} |
function Install-WingetPackages { |
Write-Host "$arrow Checking for missing winget packages..." -ForegroundColor Cyan |
# Get installed packages |
$installedPackages = @() |
try { |
# Export the list to a temporary JSON file to handle large outputs |
$tempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() |
$null = winget export -o $tempFile --accept-source-agreements 2>&1 |
if (Test-Path $tempFile) { |
$jsonContent = Get-Content $tempFile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json |
$installedPackages = $jsonContent.Sources.Packages | ForEach-Object { $_.PackageIdentifier } |
Remove-Item $tempFile -Force |
Write-Host "$success Found $($installedPackages.Count) installed packages." -ForegroundColor Green |
} |
} |
catch { |
Write-Host "$warnIcon Could not get list of installed packages: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Yellow |
Write-Host "$arrow Will check each package individually..." -ForegroundColor Cyan |
} |
# Install missing packages |
foreach ($package in $wingetPackages) { |
$isInstalled = $false |
# First check our cached list |
if ($installedPackages -contains $package) { |
$isInstalled = $true |
} |
else { |
# Fallback to direct check if cached list failed |
$searchResult = winget list --id $package --exact --accept-source-agreements |
$isInstalled = $searchResult -like "*$package*" |
} |
if (-not $isInstalled) { |
Write-Host "$arrow Installing $package..." -ForegroundColor Cyan |
winget install -e --id $package --silent --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements |
if ($?) { |
Write-Host "$success $package installed." -ForegroundColor Green |
} else { |
Write-Host "$failIcon Failed to install $package." -ForegroundColor Red |
} |
} |
# else { |
# Write-Host "$warnIcon $package is already installed." -ForegroundColor Yellow |
# } |
} |
} |
function Install-WingetUpdates { |
Write-Host "$arrow Checking for available WinGet updates..." -ForegroundColor Cyan |
gsudo winget upgrade --all |
if ($?) { |
Write-Host "$success WinGet updates installed." -ForegroundColor Green |
} |
else { |
Write-Host "$failIcon Error installing WinGet updates" -ForegroundColor Yellow |
} |
} |
function Install-WindowsUpdates { |
Write-Host "$arrow Installing Windows updates..." -ForegroundColor Cyan |
gsudo { |
Install-Module -Name PSWindowsUpdate; |
Import-Module PSWindowsUpdate; |
Get-WindowsUpdate; |
Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptAll |
} |
} |
function Set-WindowsTerminalConfiguration { |
Write-Host "$arrow Configuring Windows Terminal settings..." -ForegroundColor Cyan |
$settingsPath = "$env:LocalAppData\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\settings.json" |
$settings = Get-Content -Path $settingsPath | ConvertFrom-Json |
# Ensure profiles, defaults, and font objects exist |
if (-not $settings.profiles) { |
$settings | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name profiles -Value @{} |
} |
if (-not $settings.profiles.defaults) { |
$settings.profiles | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name defaults -Value @{} |
} |
if (-not $settings.profiles.defaults.font) { |
$settings.profiles.defaults | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name font -Value @{} |
} |
# Set the font face |
$settings.profiles.defaults.font.face = "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono" |
$settings | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Set-Content -Path $settingsPath |
Write-Host "$success Windows Terminal settings updated." -ForegroundColor Green |
} |
# Main setup function to call all necessary steps |
function Initialize-WindowsEnvironment { |
Write-Host "$arrow Starting Windows setup v18" -ForegroundColor Cyan |
Install-WingetPackages |
Test-GitHubSSHKey # this needs to be run before chezmoi to get access to dotfiles |
Install-Chezmoi |
Set-StarshipInit |
Set-WindowsTerminalConfiguration |
Install-WingetUpdates |
Install-WindowsUpdates # this should always be LAST since it may prompt a system reboot |
Write-Host "$success Done" -ForegroundColor Green |
} |
# Run the main setup function |
Initialize-WindowsEnvironment |