$ mongo
> use pubsub
> db.createCollection('messages', { capped: true, size: 100000 })
> db.messages.insert({})
$ npm install mongodb
$ node subscribe.js
$ mongo
> use pubsub
> db.messages.insert({ message: 'Hello world', time: })
Hi, thanks very much for this post - this is very useful to me.
One question, does the subscribe.js essentially polling the mongodb, or it only queries the db when there is new data arrival?
Why i am asking is:
I checked the log of mongo db - and i see action every 2 seconds, even if i did not publish any new data into the db.
Thanks very much!
below is the mongo log:
Thu Jan 24 08:18:23 [conn5] getmore pubsub.messages query: { _id: { $gt: ObjectId('5100e3dc47191fae38cd3664') } } cursorid:2982739666572129973 reslen:20 2098ms
Thu Jan 24 08:18:25 [conn5] getmore pubsub.messages query: { _id: { $gt: ObjectId('5100e3dc47191fae38cd3664') } } cursorid:2982739666572129973 reslen:20 2095ms
Thu Jan 24 08:18:27 [conn5] getmore pubsub.messages query: { _id: { $gt: ObjectId('5100e3dc47191fae38cd3664') } } cursorid:2982739666572129973 reslen:20 2100ms
Thu Jan 24 08:18:29 [conn5] getmore pubsub.messages query: { _id: { $gt: ObjectId('5100e3dc47191fae38cd3664') } } cursorid:2982739666572129973 reslen:20 2095ms