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Created October 11, 2015 21:16
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cisco ace loadbalancer A2(2.4) advanced ldap probe
#### > user for linux tclsh !/usr/bin/tclsh8.4
# changes to cisco's original probe
# * username and password with ldap simple bind (dynamically generated packets)
# * unable to connect exception handling
# * debug message for invalidCredentials
# debug procedure
# set the EXIT_MSG environment variable to help debug
# also print the debug message when debug flag is on
proc ace_debug { msg } {
global debug ip port EXIT_MSG
set EXIT_MSG $msg
if { [ info exists ip ] && [ info exists port ] } {
set EXIT_MSG "[ info script ]:$ip:$port: $EXIT_MSG "
if { [ info exists debug ] && $debug } {
puts $EXIT_MSG
# main
# parse cmd line args and initialize variables
## set debug value
set debug 1
if { [ regsub -nocase "DEBUG" $argv "" argv] } {
set debug 1
ace_debug "initializing variable"
set EXIT_MSG "Error config: script ADV_LDAP_PROBE \[DEBUG\]"
set ip $scriptprobe_env(realIP)
set port "0"
set ldap_start "30"
set ldap_bindheader "02010160"
set ldap_bind "0201"
set ldap_version "02"
set ldap_gap1 "04"
set ldap_gap2 "80"
set ldap_bindheader_len 5
set base_len 0c
set ldap_simple_auth "8007"
proc toASCII { char } {
scan $char %c value
return [format %-x $value]
set username [ lindex $argv 0 ]
set hexusername ""
set password [ lindex $argv 1 ]
set hexpassword ""
foreach char [split $username ""] {
set hexchar [toASCII $char]
append hexusername $hexchar
foreach char [split $password ""] {
set hexchar [toASCII $char]
append hexpassword $hexchar
set username_len [string length $username]
ace_debug $username_len
set password_len [string length $password]
ace_debug $password_len
set base_len [expr 0x$base_len]
set seq_len [expr $username_len + $password_len + $base_len]
set sub_seq_len [expr $seq_len - $ldap_bindheader_len]
set seq_len [format %02x $seq_len]
set sub_seq_len [format %02x $sub_seq_len]
set hexldapbindpckt ""
append hexldapbindpckt $ldap_start
append hexldapbindpckt "$seq_len"
append hexldapbindpckt $ldap_bindheader
append hexldapbindpckt $sub_seq_len
append hexldapbindpckt $ldap_bind
append hexldapbindpckt $ldap_version
append hexldapbindpckt $ldap_gap1
append hexldapbindpckt [format %02x $username_len]
append hexldapbindpckt $hexusername
append hexldapbindpckt $ldap_gap2
append hexldapbindpckt [format %02x $password_len]
append hexldapbindpckt $hexpassword
# if port is zero the use well known ldap port 389
if { $port == 0 } {
set port 389
#ace_debug $hexldapbindpckt
set errorcode [catch {
set sock [ socket $ip $port ]
} msg ]
if {$errorcode != 0} {
ace_debug $msg
exit 30002
fconfigure $sock -buffering line -translation binary
# anonymous bind request
#puts -nonewline $sock [ binary format "H*" 300c020101600702010304008000 ]
puts -nonewline $sock [ binary format "H*" $hexldapbindpckt ]
set code "ffffff"
flush $sock
ace_debug "bef"
set line [read $sock 22]
ace_debug "aft"
binary scan $line H* res
binary scan $line @15H6 code
close $sock
# make probe fail by exit with 30002 if ldap reply code != success code 0x0a0100
if { $code != "0a0100" } {
if { $code == "0a0131" } {
ace_debug " probe failed : expect response code \'0a0100\' but received \'$code\' = invalidCredentials"
} else {
ace_debug " probe failed : expect response code \'0a0100\' but received \'$code\'"
exit 30002
## make probe success by exit with 30001
ace_debug "probe success"
exit 30001
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