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Last active January 28, 2025 13:21
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Gdef : Singleton {
classvar <groupOrder, rebuildBundle, <nodeMap;
var <group, <afterList, <beforeList, <server, <>permanent=true;
classvar blockUpdate=false, updateCount=0;
*initClass {
[Event, EventTypesWithCleanup].do(Class.initClassTree(_));
groupOrder = LinkedList();
nodeMap = IdentityDictionary();
this.all.reject(_.permanent).do {
*registerEventTypes {
Event.addEventType(\gdef, {
var server, gdef;
server = ~server ?? { Server.default };
~gdef = Gdef(
before: ~before.value.collect(_.value),
after: ~after.value.collect(_.value)
~with !? { |g| ~gdef.group_(g.value) };
~id = ~gdef.asControlInput;
~freeEvent = (
type: \gdefClear,
gdef: ~gdef
~schedBundleArray.value(~lag, ~timingOffset, server, Gdef.takeFinalBundle, false);
}, (
server: Server.default,
name: \default,
before: [],
after: []
Event.addEventType(\gdefClear, {
EventTypesWithCleanup.cleanupTypes[\gdef] = \gdefClear;
EventTypesWithCleanup.ugenInputTypes[\gdef] = \id;
*new {
|name, after=([]), before=([])|
^, after, before);
*newWith {
|group, name, after=([]), before=([])|
^, after, before).group_(group);
*beforeUse {
blockUpdate = true;
updateCount = 0;
*afterUse {
blockUpdate = false;
if (updateCount > 0) {
updateCount = 0;
init {
afterList = [];
beforeList = [];
server = Server.default;
prNormalizeList {
list = list.isString.if({ [list] }, { list.asArray });
^list.collect({ |item| item.isKindOf(Gdef).if({ }, { item }) });
set {
|after=([]), before=([])|
afterList = this.prNormalizeList(after);
beforeList = this.prNormalizeList(before);
if (newGroup.isKindOf(Integer)) {
newGroup = Group.basicNew(Server.default, newGroup)
if (group.isNil or: { group.nodeID != newGroup.nodeID }) {;
group = newGroup;
group.onFree {
if (originalGroup == group) {
group = nil;
*clear {
groupOrder = LinkedList();
clear {
if (group.notNil) {
nodeMap[group.nodeID] = nil;;
group = nil;
before { |...gdefs| beforeList = beforeList.addAll(this.prNormalizeList(gdefs)) }
after { |...gdefs| afterList = afterList.addAll(this.prNormalizeList(gdefs)) }
*rebuildAll {
var rules, order, iter=0, key;
if (blockUpdate) { updateCount = updateCount + 1; ^this };
rules = this.prRules();
order = List();
while { rules.notEmpty && (iter < 1000) } {
key = rules.keys.asArray[0];
this.doSort(key, rules, order);
iter = iter + 1
if (order != groupOrder or: {
|o| !? { |g| } ?? { false }
}) {
groupOrder = order;
*doOnServerBoot {
*prSend {
var previous = nil;
nodeMap = IdentityDictionary();
if (Server.default.serverRunning) {
rebuildBundle = Server.default.makeBundle(false, { {
gdef =;
if (gdef.notNil) {
if ( || reset) {
if (previous.notNil) { = Group(previous, \addAfter);
} { = Group(Server.default, \addToHead);
// "adding group % after %".format(, previous.tryPerform(\nodeID)).postln;
} {
if (previous.notNil) { ?? Server.default) };
// "moving group % after %".format(, previous.tryPerform(\nodeID)).postln;
nodeMap[] = gdef;
previous =;
}, rebuildBundle);
{ this.prSendFinalBundle }.defer(0)
*takeFinalBundle {
var bundle = rebuildBundle;
rebuildBundle = nil;
*prSendFinalBundle {
rebuildBundle !? {
// "final bundle is: %".format(rebuildBundle).postln;
Server.default.makeBundle(nil, {}, rebuildBundle);
rebuildBundle = nil;
*prRules {
var rules = (); {
var list;
list = rules[] ?? { rules[] = list = IdentitySet(); list; };
list.addAll(def.afterList); {
list = rules[before] ?? { rules[before] = list = IdentitySet(); list; };
*prValidate {
var violations;
var rules = this.prRules();
rules.keysValuesDo {
|item, afters| {
var itemIndex, afterIndex;
itemIndex = groupOrder.indexOf(item);
afterIndex = groupOrder.indexOf(after);
if (itemIndex.notNil && afterIndex.notNil) {
if (itemIndex < afterIndex) {
violations = violations.add([item, after, itemIndex, afterIndex])
}; {
"Rule (% after %) was broken - item at index %, after at index %".format(
"//" ++ v[0], "//" ++ v[1],
v[2], v[3]
*doSort {
|key, rules, order, index=0|
var item, after;
if (order.includes(key)) {
Error("Group list already contains % - probably a constraint error?".format(key)).throw;
after = rules[key] ?? {[]};
rules[key] = nil;
// "Processing rule % -> % (for index %)".format(key, after, index).postln;
while { after.notEmpty } {
var itemAfter = after.pop();
var foundIndex = order.indexOf(itemAfter);
if (foundIndex.notNil) {
// "Item % found at %".format(itemAfter, foundIndex).postln;
index = max(foundIndex, index);
} {
// "Item % not found...".format(itemAfter).postln;
index = max(index, this.doSort(itemAfter, rules, order, index + 1) ?? index);
// this.doSort(itemAfter, rules, order, index + 1)
if (order.includes(key)) {
Error("uh oh: we already have %".format(key)).throw;
index = index + 1;
order.insert(index, key);
// " Finally item % inserted at %: %".format(key, index, order).postln;
asPattern {
^Pfunc({ })
pat { ^this.asPattern }
asStream { ^this.asPattern.asStream }
asPbus {
|pattern, dur=2.0, fadeTime=0.02, numChannels=2, rate=\audio|
var result = Pbus(pattern, dur, fadeTime, numChannels, rate) <> Pbind(\group, this.asPattern);
if (pattern.isNil) {
result = result <> Pid()
pbus {
|pattern, dur=2.0, fadeTime=0.02, numChannels=2, rate=\audio|
^this.asPbus(pattern, dur, fadeTime, numChannels, rate)
asControlInput { ^group.asControlInput }
asGroup { ^group }
asTarget { ^group }
asGdefName { ^name }
+Symbol {
asGdefName {
+Number {
asGdefName {
if (this == 1) {
} {
Error("Expected Gdef but found Number = %".format(this)).throw;
// Bgdef : Gdef {
// var <bus, numChannels, rate;
// *new {
// |name, after=([]), before=([]), channels: 2, rate:\audio|
// ^, after, before, channels, rate);
// }
// set {
// |after=([]), before=([]), channels, inRate|
// numChannels = channels;
// rate = inRate;
// this.prUpdateBus();
// ^super.set(after, before);
// }
// prUpdateBus {
// var needsChange = bus.isNil or: {
// (bus.numChannels != numChannels)
// || (bus.rate != rate)
// };
// Bus
// }
// *doOnServerBoot {
// super.doOnServerBoot();
// bus = nil;
// this.prUpdateBus();
// }
// }
GroupNames {
classvar <>names;
*initClass {
names = ();
*groupName {
^(GroupNames.names[nodeID] ?? { Gdef.nodeMap[nodeID] !? } ?? { nil })
+Group {
name {
GroupNames.names[nodeID] = name;
GroupNames.names[nodeID] = nil;
Pmod : Pattern {
classvar defHashLRU, <defCache, <defNames, <defNamesFree, defCount=0, maxDefNames=100;
classvar <synthGroup;
var <>synthName, <>patternPairs, <rate, <>channels, asValues=false, unwrapValues=false,
*new {
|synthName ... pairs|
^super.newCopyArgs(synthName, pairs)
*kr {
|synthName ... pairs|
^, *pairs).rate_(\control)
*kr1 {
|synthName ... pairs|
^, *pairs).rate_(\control).channels_(1)
*kr2 {
|synthName ... pairs|
^, *pairs).rate_(\control).channels_(2)
*kr3 {
|synthName ... pairs|
^, *pairs).rate_(\control).channels_(3)
*kr4 {
|synthName ... pairs|
^, *pairs).rate_(\control).channels_(4)
*ar {
|synthName ... pairs|
^, *pairs).rate_(\audio)
*ar1 {
|synthName ... pairs|
^, *pairs).rate_(\audio).channels_(1)
*ar2 {
|synthName ... pairs|
^, *pairs).rate_(\audio).channels_(2)
*ar3 {
|synthName ... pairs|
^, *pairs).rate_(\audio).channels_(3)
*ar4 {
|synthName ... pairs|
^, *pairs).rate_(\audio).channels_(4)
*initClass {
defCache = ();
defNames = ();
defHashLRU = LinkedList();
defNamesFree = IdentitySet();
(1..16).do {
[\kr, \ar].do {
rate: rate,
func: { \value.perform(rate, (0 ! n)) },
channels: n,
defName: "Pmod_constant_%_%".format(n, rate).asSymbol,
rate: \ar,
channels: 1,
defName: \pmodEnvAr,
func: {
var env, curve, mod;
env = \[0, 1, 0] ++ (0 ! 15), [0.5, 0.5] ++ (0 ! 15)).asArray);
env =
envelope: env,
gate: 1,
mod = \;
env + mod;
rate: \kr,
channels: 1,
defName: \pmodEnvKr,
func: {
var env, curve, mod;
env = \[0, 1, 0] ++ (0 ! 15), [0.5, 0.5] ++ (0 ! 15)).asArray);
env =
envelope: env,
gate: 1,
mod = \;
env + mod;
*env {
*envAr {
\resend, true,
*envKr {
\resend, true,
*prFixEnvArg {
// Replace a stream of envs with a stream of functions that optionally STRETCH
// that env based on ~stretchEnv.
args.pairsDo {
|key, value, i|
if (key == \env) {
args[i + 1] = Pfunc({
env.releaseNode = env.levels.size - 1;
if (~stretchEnv.asBoolean) {
env = env.copy;
env.duration = ~parentEvent.use { ~dur.value };
}) <> value
// Wrap a func in fade envelope / provide XOut
*wrapSynth {
|defName, func, rate, channels|
var hash, def, args;
var added = Deferred();
defName = defName ?? {
hash = [func, rate, channels].hash;
defNames[hash] ?? {
defNames[hash] = this.getDefName();
if (defCache[defName].isNil) {
// "No cache for %, rebuilding".format(defName).postln;
def = SynthDef(defName, {
var fadeTime, paramLag, fade, sig;
fadeTime = \;
paramLag = \;
fade = Env([1, 1, 0], [0, fadeTime], releaseNode:1).kr(
doneAction: 2
sig = SynthDef.wrap(func, paramLag ! func.def.argNames.size);
sig = sig.asArray.flatten;
if (channels.isNil) {
channels = sig.size;
if (rate.isNil) {
rate = sig.rate.switch(\audio, \ar, \control, \kr, \scalar, \kr);
\; // Unused, but helpful to see channelization for debugging
sig = sig.collect {
if ((channel.rate == \scalar) && (rate == \ar)) {
channel =;
if ((channel.rate == \audio) && (rate == \kr)) {
channel =;
"Pmod output is \audio, \control rate expected".warn;
} {
if ((channel.rate == \control) && (rate == \ar)) {
channel =;
"Pmod output is \control, \audio rate expected".warn;
if (sig.shape != [channels]) {
// [,, 300, 300) , \, \, fade].poll(8, label:["------", " time", " out", " gate", " fade"]);
XOut.perform(rate, \, fade, sig);
}).add(completionMsg: added.completionMsg);
// "Sending %".format(defName).postln;
args = def.asSynthDesc.controlNames.flatten.asArray;
defCache[defName] = [rate, channels, def, args];
} {
// "Reusing cached synth %".format(defName).postln;
added.value = true;
#rate, channels, def, args = defCache[defName];
instrument: defName, synthDefName: defName,
args: ([\value, \fadeTime, \paramLag, \out] ++ args),
specialArgs: args.copy.removeAll([\value, \fadeTime, \paramLag, \out, \gate, \channels]),
pr_rate: rate,
pr_channels: channels,
pr_instrumentHash: hash ?? { [func, rate, channels].hash },
pr_wasAdded: added,
hasGate: true,
rate = (
control: \kr,
audio: \ar,
kr: \kr,
ar: \kr
makeModGroupFactory {
var access, create, destroy;
var newModGroup, target, server;
var fadeTime = 0, holdTime = 0;
create = CallOnce {
// "creating mod group, synthGroup is: %".format(~synthGroup).postln;
target = ~synthGroup;
server = ~server;
name = "%_mod".format(GroupNames.groupName(target.asControlInput) ?? { name });
// server.makeBundle(nil) {
// newModGroup = Group(target, \addBefore).name_(name);
// };
newModGroup = (
type: \gdef,
name: name,
server: server,
before: [target],
// access = {
// fadeTime = max(fadeTime, ~fadeTime.value ? 0);
// holdTime = max(holdTime, ~holdTime.value ? 0);
// newModGroup ?? create
// };
access = create;
destroy = CallOnce {
newModGroup !? {
"not freeing mod group %".format(newModGroup).postln;
// server.makeBundle(server.latency + fadeTime + holdTime + 0.05) {
// }
^[access, destroy]
makeSynthGroupFactory {
var server, target;
^CallOnce {
synthGroup ?? {
server = ~server.value;
// server.makeBundle(nil) {
// synthGroup = Group(server).name_(\PmodSynthGroup);
// synthGroup.onFree {
// synthGroup = nil;
// };
// };
synthGroup = (
type: \gdef,
server: ~server.value,
name: \PmodSynthGroup,
delta: 0,
embedInStream {
var server, synthStream, streamPairs, endVal, cleanup,
synthGroup, synthGroupFactory, synthGroupDestroy,
modGroup, modGroupDestroy,
buses, currentArgs, currentBuses, currentEvent, fadeTime,
nextEvent, nextSynth, streamAsValues, currentChannels, currentRate, cleanupFunc,
// CAVEAT: Server comes from initial inEvent and cannot be changed later on.
server = inEvent[\server] ?? { Server.default };
server = server.value;
streamAsValues = asValues;
// Setup pattern pairs
streamPairs = patternPairs.copy;
endVal = streamPairs.size - 1;
forBy (1, endVal, 2) { |i| streamPairs[i] = streamPairs[i].asStream };
synthStream = synthName.asStream;
// Prepare busses
buses = List();
// Cleanup
cleanupFunc = Thunk({
currentEvent !? {
"cleaning up currentEvent: %".format(currentEvent).postln;
if (currentEvent[\isPlaying].asBoolean && currentEvent[\hasGate]) {
"scheduling for holdTime: %".format(currentEvent[\holdTime]).postln;
thisThread.clock.sched(currentEvent[\holdTime], {
currentEvent[\sendGate] = true;
currentEvent[\isPlaying] = false;
// "cleaning up pmod".postln;
// newModGroup.debug("newModGroup");
// newSynthGroup.debug("newSynthGroup");
// newModGroup !?;;
(currentEvent[\fadeTime] ? 0 )
+ (currentEvent[\holdTime] ? 0)
// {
// newSynthGroup !?;
// }.defer(
// (currentEvent[\fadeTime] ? 0 )
// + (currentEvent[\holdTime] ? 0)
// );
// "cleanup done".postln;
cleanup = EventStreamCleanup();
cleanup.addFunction(inEvent, cleanupFunc);
synthGroupFactory = this.makeSynthGroupFactory();
#modGroup, modGroupDestroy = this.makeModGroupFactory(
name: synthGroup.tryPerform(\name) ?? {
loop {
// Prepare groups, reusing input group if possible.
// This is the group that the outer event - the one whose parameters
// we're modulating - is playing to.
// If newSynthGroup.notNil, then we allocated and we must clean up.
inEvent[\server] = server;
// Prepare modGroup, which is our modulation group and lives before
// synthGroup.
// If newModGroup.notNil, then we allocated and we must clean up
if (inEvent.keys.includes(\modGroup)) {
modGroup = inEvent[\modGroup];
} {
cleanup.addFunction(inEvent, modGroupDestroy);
// modGroupFunc = {
// if (~synthGroup.notNil) {
// ~server.value.sendBundle(
// ~server.value.latency,
// modGroup.moveBeforeMsg(~synthGroup.value.asGroup)
// );
// };
// modGroup;
// };
// We must set group/addAction early, so they are passed to the .next()
// of child streams.
nextEvent = ();
nextEvent[\instrument] = nil;
nextEvent[\synthDefName]= nil;
nextEvent[\synthDesc] = nil;
nextEvent[\msgFunc] = nil;
nextEvent[\fadeTime] = inEvent[\fadeTime] ?? {0};
nextEvent[\holdTime] = inEvent[\holdTime] ?? {0};
nextEvent[\group] = modGroup;
nextEvent[\addAction] = \addToHead;
nextEvent[\resend] = false;
// Get nexts
nextSynth =;
nextSynth = this.prepareSynth(nextSynth);
if (inEvent.isNil || nextEvent.isNil || nextSynth.isNil) {
} {
nextEvent.putAll(this.prNext(streamPairs, inEvent.copy));
// SUBTLE: If our inEvent didn't have a group, we set its group here.
// We do this late so previous uses of inEvent aren't disrupted.
// if (inEvent.keys.includes(\group).not) {
// inEvent[\group] = synthGroupFactory;
// inEvent[\addAction] = \addToTail;
// };
// 1. We need argument names in order to use (\type, \set).
// 2. We need size to determine if we need to allocate more busses for e.g.
// an event like (freq: [100, 200]).
currentArgs = nextEvent[\instrument].asArray.collect(_.asSynthDesc).collect(_.controlNames).flatten.asSet.asArray;
currentChannels = nextSynth[\pr_channels];
currentRate = nextSynth[\pr_rate];
buses.first !? {
var busRate = switch(bus.rate, \audio, \ar, \control, \kr, bus.rate);
if (busRate != currentRate) {
Error("Cannot use Synths of different rates in a single Pmod (% vs %)".format(
bus.rate, currentRate
lazyGetBus = {
|index, grow=true|
if (grow) {
(index - (buses.size - 1)).max(0).do {
if (currentRate == \ar) {
buses = buses.add(, currentChannels))
} {
buses = buses.add(Bus.control(server, currentChannels))
// If we've got a different instrument than last time, send a new one,
// else just set the parameters of the existing.
if (nextEvent[\resend]
or: {nextEvent[\pr_instrumentHash] != currentEvent.tryPerform(\at, \pr_instrumentHash)})
nextEvent[\parentType] = \note;
nextEvent[\type] = \note;
nextEvent[\sustain] = nil;
nextEvent[\sendGate] = false;
nextEvent[\fadeTime] = fadeTime = nextEvent.use { ~fadeTime } ?? 0;
nextEvent[\out] = Routine({ {
lazyGetBus.(i, true).asControlInput.yield
nextEvent[\group] = modGroup;
nextEvent[\addAction] = \addToHead; // SUBTLE: new synths before old, so OLD synth is responsible for fade-out
// Free existing synth
currentEvent !? {
// Assumption: If \hasGate -> false, then synth will free itself.
if (e[\isPlaying].asBoolean && e[\hasGate]) {
e[\sendGate] = true;
e[\isPlaying] = false;
} {
nextEvent[\parentType] = \set;
nextEvent[\type] = \set;
nextEvent[\id] = currentEvent[\id];
nextEvent[\args] = currentEvent[\args];
nextEvent[\out] = currentEvent[\id].size.collect { |i| lazyGetBus.(i) };
nextEvent.parent ?? {
nextEvent.parent = Event.parentEvents.default
// nextEvent.proto = inEvent;
// We yield a function, which is evaluated when (and if) it is finally consumed during Event playback.
// All of the important bits - allocating buses and playing the modulator - are only fired when this
// function is evaluated.
inEvent = {
var busRoutine = Routine({ {
var bus = lazyGetBus.(i, false);
if (shouldExpand) { {
bus.subBus(j, 1).yield
} {
// In this context, ~group refers to the event being modulated,
// not the Pmod event.
// ~group = ~group.value;
// if (~group.notNil and: { ~group != synthGroup }) {
// // modGroup.moveBefore(~group.asGroup)
// };
nextEvent[\synthGroup] = ~group.value ?? synthGroupFactory;
if (nextEvent[\isPlaying].asBoolean.not) {
~addToCleanup = ~addToCleanup.add(cleanupFunc);
currentEvent = nextEvent;
nextEvent[\isPlaying] = true;
nextEvent[\parentEvent] = currentEnvironment;
nextEvent[\specialArgs].do {
nextEvent[key] ?? {
nextEvent[key] = currentEnvironment[key]
if (nextEvent.pr_wasAdded.hasValue.not) {
nextEvent.pr_wasAdded.then {
"Pmod def % took % seconds to load, which is too long".format(
nextEvent.playAndDelta(cleanup, false);
if (streamAsValues) {
} {
inEvent = inEvent.yield;
// This roughly follows the logic of Pbind
prNext {
|streamPairs, inEvent|
var event, endVal;
inEvent = this.prScrubEvent(inEvent);
event = ().proto_(inEvent);
endVal = streamPairs.size - 1;
forBy (0, endVal, 2) { arg i;
var name = streamPairs[i];
var stream = streamPairs[i+1];
var streamout =;
if (streamout.isNil) { ^inEvent };
if (name.isSequenceableCollection) {
if (name.size > streamout.size) {
("the pattern is not providing enough values to assign to the key set:" + name).warn;
}; { arg key, i;
event.put(key, streamout[i]);
event.put(name, streamout);
recycleDefName {
var hash, name;
if (defHashLRU.size > maxDefNames) {
hash = defHashLRU.pop();
name = defNames[hash];
defNames[hash] = nil;
defCache[name] = nil;
*getDefName {
if (defNamesFree.notEmpty) {
} {
defCount = defCount + 1;
// Scrub parent event of Pmod-specific values like group - these will disrupt
// the way we set up our groups and heirarchy.
prScrubEvent {
event[\modGroup] = nil;
event[\instrument] = nil;
event[\type] = nil;
event[\parentType] = nil;
event[\args] = nil;
event[\msgFunc] = nil;
// Convert an item from our instrument stream into a SynthDef name.
// This can possible add a new SynthDef if supplied with e.g. a function.
prepareSynth {
var synthDesc, synthOutput;
{ synthVal.isKindOf(Array) } {
|a, b|
a.merge(b, {
|a, b|
}).make {
~pr_channels = ~pr_channels.maxItem;
|a, b|
if (a != b) {
Error("Multichannel expansion with Pmod synths of different rates not supported (%, %)".format(a, b)).throw;
{ synthVal.isKindOf(SimpleNumber) } {
var constRate = rate ?? { \ar }; // default to \ar, because this works for both ar and kr mappings;
var constChannels = channels ?? { 1 };
defName: "Pmod_constant_%_%".format(constChannels, constRate).asSymbol,
func: nil,
channels: constChannels,
rate: constRate,
value: synthVal
{ synthVal.isKindOf(Symbol) } {
synthDesc = synthVal.asSynthDesc;
synthOutput = synthDesc.outputs.detect({ |o| o.startingChannel == \out });
if (synthOutput.isNil) {
Error("Synth '%' needs at least one output, connected to an \\out synth parameter".format(synthVal)).throw;
instrument: synthVal,
args: synthDesc.controlNames.flatten.asSet.asArray,
pr_rate: synthOutput.rate.switch(\audio, \ar, \control, \kr),
pr_channels: synthOutput.numberOfChannels,
pr_instrumentHash: synthVal.identityHash,
{ synthVal.isKindOf(AbstractFunction) } {
defName: nil,
func: synthVal,
rate: rate,
channels: channels)
{ synthVal.isKindOf(Event) } {
synthVal.parent = currentEnvironment;
synthVal.use { ~out.value }
{ synthVal.isNil } {
asValues {
asValues = true;
unwrapValues = unwrap;
expand {
shouldExpand = true;
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