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Created November 30, 2023 19:58
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Simple conditional Middleware for Axum with support for If-None-Match/ETag and If-Modified-Since/Last-Modified. Either checks If-None-Match against ETag of the response of the next layer (computes from body if ETag is not present), or if If-None-Match is not present in the request checks Last-Modified header of the next layer response against th…
use etag::EntityTag;
// Based on alextes's implementation (
// which already provided support for If-None-Match/ETag
// but with support for precomputed ETags and If-Modified-Since/Last-Modified
async fn conditional_mw<B>(request: Request<B>, next: Next<B>) -> Result<Response, StatusCode> {
let if_none_match_header = request.headers().get(header::IF_NONE_MATCH).cloned();
let if_modified_since_header = request.headers().get(header::IF_MODIFIED_SINCE).cloned();
// let path = request.uri().path().to_owned();
let response =;
let (mut original_parts, mut original_body) = response.into_parts();
let (etag, new_parts, new_body): (EntityTag, Parts, BoxBody) = {
if let Some(et) = original_parts.headers.get(header::ETAG)
.and_then(|e| e.to_str().unwrap().parse::<EntityTag>().ok()) {
// response already has an ETag, assume it is better
(et, original_parts, original_body)
} else {
let bytes = {
let mut body_bytes = vec![];
while let Some(inner) = {
if bytes.len() == 0 {
// no body => no ETag to compute, just return
return Ok(original_parts.into_response());
} else {
// body is present, compute ETag
let etag = EntityTag::from_data(&bytes);
(etag, original_parts, BoxBody::new(Body::from(bytes).map_err(axum::Error::new)))
match if_none_match_header {
Some(if_none_match) => {
// request has If-None-Match header, return 304 if valid and matching
match if_none_match.to_str().unwrap().parse::<EntityTag>().ok().map(|e| etag.weak_eq(&e)) {
Some(true) => Ok((StatusCode::NOT_MODIFIED, new_parts).into_response()),
_ => Ok((new_parts, new_body).into_response())
None => {
// request has no If-None-Match, return 304 if If-Modified-Since is present, valid and outdated
let parse = |h: &HeaderValue| DateTime::parse_from_rfc2822(h.to_str().unwrap()).ok();
match if_modified_since_header.and_then(|e| parse(&e)).and_then(|if_modified_since|
new_parts.headers.get(header::LAST_MODIFIED).and_then(|e| parse(e)).map(|last_modified| if_modified_since >= last_modified)) {
Some(true) => Ok((StatusCode::NOT_MODIFIED, new_parts).into_response()),
_ => Ok((new_parts, new_body).into_response())
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