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Created December 23, 2012 12:58
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fn get_path_to(target: & str, opt: Option<&str>) -> Path {
let path: ~str = match target {
"root" => {
os::homedir().unwrap().to_str() + "/.rsvm"
"version" => {
get_path_to(~"root", None).to_str() + ~"/v" + opt.unwrap()
"src_archive" => {
get_path_to("version", opt).to_str() + "/src/rust-" + opt.unwrap() + ".tar.gz"
_ => {
os::homedir().unwrap().to_str() + "/.rsvm"
if get_path_to("src_archive", Some(version)).exists() {
io::println(~"already done");
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