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Created November 19, 2019 13:44
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Set env in kube config
#! /bin/bash
# exit script when any command ran here returns with non-zero exit code
set -e
# We must export it so it's available for envsubst
# since the only way for envsubst to work on files is using input/output redirection,
# it's not possible to do in-place substitution, so we need to save the output to another file
# and overwrite the original with that one.
envsubst <./kube/do-sample-deployment.yml >./kube/do-sample-deployment.yml.out
mv ./kube/do-sample-deployment.yml.out ./kube/do-sample-deployment.yml
echo "$KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_CERTIFICATE" | base64 --decode > cert.crt
./kubectl \
--kubeconfig=/dev/null \
--certificate-authority=cert.crt \
apply -f ./kube/
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