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Created November 28, 2022 23:39
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CAP Stuff
# Various tests with Common Alert Protocal (CAP) feeds at
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import requests
import re
#import xmltodict
import feedparser
from capparselib.parsers import CAPParser
from tqdm import tqdm
from shapely.geometry import shape, Point
from shapely import wkt
cap_feeds = {
#cap_feed_url = ''
#cap_feed = ''
def parse_cap_polygon_to_wkt(polygon_str):
Convert a CAP style polygon string to WKT.
A CAP polygon string is a list of lat,lon pairs. Specifically:
"The geographic polygon is represented by a whitespace-delimited
list of [WGS 84] coordinate pairs."
"The term “coordinate pair” is used in this document to refer to a
comma-delimited pair of decimal values describing a geospatial location
in degrees, unprojected, in the form “[latitude],[longitude]”. Latitudes in
the Southern Hemisphere and longitudes in the Western Hemisphere are signed
negative by means of a leading dash."
From: Common Alerting Protocol Version 1.2, OASIS Standard, 01 July 2010
polygon_str : str
The cap str
A wkt str of the polygon.
# Regex to extract and label a str like: "-0.175781,-61.831055"
lat_lon_r = r"^(?P<lat>-?\d+\.\d+?\s*),(?P<lon>\s*-?\d+\.\d+)"
# Destination format. Note the WKT is "lon lat", while CAP is "lat,lon"
wkt_coord_template = '{lon} {lat}'
full_wkt_template = 'POLYGON (({all_coords}))'
coord_list = []
# Split on spaces first, then use regex to extract the actual numbers.
for coord_pair in polygon_str.split(' '):
coord_match = re.match(lat_lon_r, coord_pair)
if coord_match is not None:
# WKT has space separated XY coordinates, in where each coordinate is
# comma separates.
return full_wkt_template.format(all_coords = ', '.join(coord_list))
def get_xml_file(url):
resp = requests.get(url)
return resp.text
all_entries = []
thirty_days_ago = - timedelta(days=30)
for feed_source, feed_url in tqdm(cap_feeds.items()):
feed_contents = feedparser.parse(feed_url)
for feed_item in tqdm(feed_contents['entries'][:30], leave=False):
item_date = datetime(year = feed_item['published_parsed'].tm_year,
month = feed_item['published_parsed'].tm_mon,
day = feed_item['published_parsed'].tm_mday)
if item_date < thirty_days_ago:
cap_dict = CAPParser(get_xml_file(feed_item['link'])).as_dict()
date_sent = datetime.fromisoformat(cap_dict[0]['cap_sent'].text)
if 'polygons' in cap_dict[0]['cap_info'][0]['cap_area'][0]:
has_polygon = True
polygon_count = len(cap_dict[0]['cap_info'][0]['cap_area'][0]['polygons'])
has_polygon = False
polygon_count = 0
parse_success = True
date_sent = None
has_polygon = False
polygon_count = 0
parse_success = False
source = feed_source,
date_sent = date_sent,
parse_success = parse_success,
has_polygon = has_polygon,
polygon_count = polygon_count,
x = pd.DataFrame(all_entries)
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