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Created February 13, 2017 21:52
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R Workshop dplyr() lesson
#some basics
#ordering rows!
#no more using shrub_data=shrub_data[order(shrub_data$site),]
arrange(shrub_data, site, height)
#keep rows according to some value
#similar to subset() or shrub_data[shrub_data$site>1,]
filter(shrub_data, site>1)
filter(shrub_data, site>1, experiment=='C')
#select individual columns
#just like shrub_data[,c('length','width')]
select(shrub_data, length, width)
#make new columns with calculations
#the volume of all shrubs?
mutate(shrub_data, volume=length*width*height)
#transmute does the same thing, but keeps only the new columns
transmute(shrub_data, volume=length*width*height)
#You can calculate any number of values at once
transmute(shrub_data, volume=length*width*height, cover=length*width)
#1) Get only shrub data from experiment A.
#2) Extract all shrubs with heights greater than 4.
# Tie different operations together using pipes
#Pipes take the output from one thing (either a function or dataframe) and make them the input to another
shrub_data %>% filter(site>1)
shrub_data %>% filter(site>1) %>% mutate(volumn=length*width*height)
#Make them easier to read by putting only one function per line
shrub_data %>%
filter(site>1) %>%
#1) Calculate the volume of only shrubs with height greater than 4.
#Now for some actually usefull info. summarize data by statistics
#Calculate the volume, then get the mean and standard deviation from it.
shrub_data %>%
mutate(volume=length*width*height) %>%
summarise(volumeMean=mean(volume), volumeSD=sd(volume))
#But what about calculating statistics for each of our sites?
#Pipe it through the group_by() function, and specify the column you want to group by
shrub_data %>%
mutate(volume=length*width*height) %>%
group_by(site) %>%
summarise(volumeMean=mean(volume), volumeSD=sd(volume), n=n(), se=sd(volume)/sqrt(n()) )
# Calculate the mean and standard deviation of height and volume for each experiment group.
#More complex example using a large dataset
#The portal dataset is from 25 years of monthly rodent trapping on 24 different plots.
#Each row is a single rodent with information on date, plot number, species, sex, and other characteristics
#1st a few more tools using summarise()
# n() can be used inside summarise() to count the number of samples inside a group.
#Example. How many rodents total were caught in each plot in June, 1999
rodents %>%
filter(yr==1999, mo==6) %>% #Select only entries from June, 1999
group_by(plot) %>% #Use group by to
#Up until now we've had a small number of rows printed to the screen. Now that there are more than 10
#(the rodent data has 24 plots, so this output has 24 rows), dplyr is trying to be nice with the output
#and not fill up our console. Lets assign this output to a new dataframe to look at it fully.
june1999Counts<-rodents %>%
filter(yr==1999, mo==6) %>%
group_by(plot) %>%
#Now for the same period June 1999, I want to know how many of each species was caught.
june1999Counts<-rodents %>%
filter(yr==1999, mo==6) %>%
group_by(plot, species) %>%
# n_distinct() counts the number of distinct values in group.
# How many species were caught at the site in each month in 1999?
species1999 <- rodents %>%
filter(yr==1999) %>%
group_by(mo) %>%
#1) Whats the average number of rodents caught in each plot in each year?
#2) Whats the average weight of all mice in each year? (the wgt column is the weight of each rodent in grams)
#3) Graph the avgerage mouse weight over all the years of the study
# tidyr, another useful tool
#This data is from vegetation transect point counts. Each column is a plot, and 4 transects (each from 1-250dm) were done in each plot.
#Very messy!
#For easier analysis, we want 1 point per row. As in the following column setup:
# plot, transect, point, species
# the tidyr package is made for exactly this.
cleanVeg=veg %>%
gather(Plot, SpeciesID, -Transect, -Point)
#Here, Plot is a new column that will take on values of the old column names. SpeciesID is a new column that will take on
#values of all the cells. -Transect and -Point tell gather() to keep those columns the same.
#tidyr can also be used with dplyr
#Here is the most common speciesID on each plot.
mostCommon=veg %>%
gather(Plot, SpeciesID, -Transect, -Point) %>%
group_by(Plot, SpeciesID) %>%
summarise(n=n()) %>%
top_n(1, n)
#This uses the top_n() function. which orders each group and gives the highest values of each, in this case just the highest values.
site experiment length width height
1 A 2.2 1.3 9.6
1 B 2.1 2.2 7.6
1 C 2.7 1.5 2.2
2 A 3.0 4.5 1.5
2 B 3.1 3.1 4.0
2 C 2.5 2.8 3.0
3 A 1.9 1.8 4.5
3 B 1.1 0.5 2.3
3 C 3.5 2.0 7.5
4 A 2.9 2.7 3.2
4 B 4.5 4.8 6.5
4 C 1.2 1.8 2.7
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