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Last active December 30, 2020 22:42
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Massage survival data to different dates
# Create a "date bin" data.frame with columns c('start','end')
# start_date, and last_date are dates
# time_bin_size should be string like '1 year','6 month', etc. see ?seq.Date for more examples
bin_dates = function(first_date, last_date, time_bin_size='1 year'){
if(!(lubridate::is.Date(first_date) & lubridate::is.Date(last_date))) stop('first_date and last_date must be dates')
if(first_date>=last_date) stop('first_date must come before last date')
full_range = seq.Date(first_date,last_date, by=time_bin_size)
starts = full_range[-length(full_range)]
ends = full_range[-1]
return(data.frame(start=starts, end=ends))
# Takes a data.frame 'df' with columns c('id','start','end','dead')
# time_bin_size should be string like '1 year','6 month', etc. see ?seq.Date for more
# returns a data.frame where each unique ID
stretch_survival_data = function(df, time_bin_size){
dead_animals = df %>%
filter(dead==1) %>%
# apply the appropriate binning
# here group_by() %>% summarize() will submit each unique ID to the bin_dates() function
# and build the appropriate data.frame with all the new rows.
stretched_df = df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
summarise(bin_dates(first_date = start, last_date=end, time_bin_size)) %>%
# mark dead animals as such (1) in their last respective timestep, othwerwise mark as
# alive (0)
stretched_df = stretched_df%>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(dead = case_when(
id %in% dead_animals & end==max(end) ~ 1,
TRUE ~ 0
)) %>%
# test it out
original = tribble(
~id, ~start, ~end, ~dead,
'A', '2012-01-01', '2014-01-01', 0,
'B', '2012-01-01', '2014-01-01', 1,
'C', '2005-01-01', '2014-01-01', 0,
'D', '2015-01-01', '2018-08-01', 1
original$start = as.Date(original$start)
original$end = as.Date(original$end)
stretch_survival_data(original, '6 month')
stretch_survival_data(original, '1 month')
stretch_survival_data(original, '1 year')
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